What Is The Future Of Our Military?
The present political and military situation has recently undergone a radical shift. Military and political strategy has undergone such a radical change that the type of military action which was prevalent forty years ago is no longer feasible. Change has called for new and different tactics and innovations. Weapons have changed with the times along with military training and the education level and quality of our men and women in uniform.
There is still the likelihood of a major military conflict but that likelihood is remote. We still have to plan for this contingency because we can not afford to be caught by surprise if such a conflict were to come to pass. I remember the embarrassment of Pearl Harbor when the Japanese Navy was able to slip a sizeable force into position to attack and almost take out our entire Pacific fleet. We cannot afford the shock and loss of human lives and equipment on such a large scale ever again.
The nature of recent conflicts dictates the immediate need of a small, flexible, mobile military. Our future military must be able to respond to a myriad of problems and situations and must be effective regardless of the type of action that it has to take. The civilian community must continue to appreciate our armed forces during prolonged periods of peace. We typically forget about them until they are needed to do some of our dirty work. There are not many Americans living who remember the events of the two world wars, Vietnam, or Korea.
Since the war in Afghanistan seems to be winding down and financial times are tough our government will be looking to trim money from our national budget and the military will be the most obvious place to look for the biggest cuts. A peacetime military is not trained as well as a war time military because the money just isnt there. Troops need to operate the equipment that they have in conditions which simulate war as closely as possible and it takes money to do this.
Warfare is becoming unconventional and multidimensional at the same time. Frontiers for fighting include outer space as well as the surface and depths of the ocean. In addition the new technology which we are acquiring makes fighting all the more difficult for infantry troops. Survivability becomes more of an issue. Troops have to receive new protective equipment as well as training. The days when opposing armies more or less squared off and slugged it out like boxers in a ring are almost gone. Its a possibility that we will see another such war in the future but it is highly unlikely.
My personal opinion is that we need to curb our actions overseas and concentrate on our own borders. Our new military troops will have to be smarter than the troops of old and they will have to be able to function in a wide variety of roles. Drug interdiction will have to be a priority along with operations to prevent human trafficking. Piracy is a growing problem along with terrorist activities around the world. Our military should be able to function as a force which can help in all of these areas along with maintaining their training level so that they would be proficient in a conventional war if one were to happen.
The war on terror has forced us to develop tactics which are geared to the use of precision munitions and stringent rules of engagement in order to prevent civilian casualties. These tactics and weapons are good for the type of operations that we are expecting to happen in the future.Military Ring Express
There is still the likelihood of a major military conflict but that likelihood is remote. We still have to plan for this contingency because we can not afford to be caught by surprise if such a conflict were to come to pass. I remember the embarrassment of Pearl Harbor when the Japanese Navy was able to slip a sizeable force into position to attack and almost take out our entire Pacific fleet. We cannot afford the shock and loss of human lives and equipment on such a large scale ever again.
The nature of recent conflicts dictates the immediate need of a small, flexible, mobile military. Our future military must be able to respond to a myriad of problems and situations and must be effective regardless of the type of action that it has to take. The civilian community must continue to appreciate our armed forces during prolonged periods of peace. We typically forget about them until they are needed to do some of our dirty work. There are not many Americans living who remember the events of the two world wars, Vietnam, or Korea.
Since the war in Afghanistan seems to be winding down and financial times are tough our government will be looking to trim money from our national budget and the military will be the most obvious place to look for the biggest cuts. A peacetime military is not trained as well as a war time military because the money just isnt there. Troops need to operate the equipment that they have in conditions which simulate war as closely as possible and it takes money to do this.
Warfare is becoming unconventional and multidimensional at the same time. Frontiers for fighting include outer space as well as the surface and depths of the ocean. In addition the new technology which we are acquiring makes fighting all the more difficult for infantry troops. Survivability becomes more of an issue. Troops have to receive new protective equipment as well as training. The days when opposing armies more or less squared off and slugged it out like boxers in a ring are almost gone. Its a possibility that we will see another such war in the future but it is highly unlikely.
My personal opinion is that we need to curb our actions overseas and concentrate on our own borders. Our new military troops will have to be smarter than the troops of old and they will have to be able to function in a wide variety of roles. Drug interdiction will have to be a priority along with operations to prevent human trafficking. Piracy is a growing problem along with terrorist activities around the world. Our military should be able to function as a force which can help in all of these areas along with maintaining their training level so that they would be proficient in a conventional war if one were to happen.
The war on terror has forced us to develop tactics which are geared to the use of precision munitions and stringent rules of engagement in order to prevent civilian casualties. These tactics and weapons are good for the type of operations that we are expecting to happen in the future.Military Ring Express