The Typical Cost of Licensing a Patent
- Small entities are entitled to a 50 percent discount on all application and issuance fees. Small entities are defined as "an independent inventor, a small business concern, or a nonprofit organization eligible for reduced patent fees."
- The type of patent being applied for determines the cost of filing fees and are non-refundable, regardless of whether a patent application is approved. Utility patent filing fees are $330 ($165 for small entities), design filing fees are $220 ($110 for small entities) and plant filing fees are $220 ($110 for small entities), as of Oct. 2, 2008
- These fees cover the search needed to ensure there is not already a patent for the invention. Utility patent search fees are $540 ($270 for small entities), design patent search fees are $100 ($50 for small entities) and plant patent search fees are $330 ($165 for small entities).
- These fees cover the examination necessary to determine the validity of the application claims. Utility patent examination fees are $220 ($110 for small entities), design patent examination fees are $140 ($70 for small entities) and plant patent examination fees are $170 ($85 for small entities).
- These fees are only required if a patent is issued. Utility patent issuing fees are $1,510 ($755 for small entities), design patent issuing fees are $860 ($430 for small entities) and plant patent issuing fees are $1,190 ($595 for small entities).
- Basic utility patent application costs are $2,600 ($1,300 for small entities), design patent application costs are $1,320 ($660 for small entities) and plant patent application costs are $1,910 ($955 for small entities).
- Additional fees are required in several situations, including applications with more than 20 patent claims, and applications greater than 100 pages. Additionally, utility and plant patents require maintenance fees at 3.5, 7.5, and 10.5 years of patent protection. See the Resources section for these fees and the most current fee schedule.
Small Entity Fees
Filing Fees
Search Fees
Examination Fees
Post-Allowance Fees
Additional Fees