Shih Tzu & Allergies
- According to the website, approximately 20 percent of the shih tzu breed suffers from some form of allergy.
- Common foods that shih tzu are allergic to include milk, beef, eggs and soy products. Symptoms of food allergies are diarrhea, skin inflammation, vomiting or scratching, according to To lower the risk of food allergies, feed your shih tzu high-quality dog food and do not feed her table scraps.
- Some shih tzu are allergic to flea saliva. A flea bite may result in a break out of red spots on your pet's skin, and you will have to give your dog a flea treatment to prevent flea infestation.
- A shih tzu can have an allergic reaction to mold, dust mites and bacteria in the environment, compromising your dog's immune system, according to Indications of environmental allergies are skin rashes, sneezing, nasal discharge, and extensive licking and chewing on the paws, abdomen, armpits and back legs. Your shih tzu will need to see a veterinarian to further diagnose and treat these types of allergies.
- Since some dog illnesses have the same symptoms as allergic reactions, you should not assume that your dog's symptoms are a result of an allergy. Take your dog to a veterinarian for a diagnosis any time he has diarrhea, vomiting, skin irritations or if he licks his body excessively.
Food Allergies
Flea Allergies
Environmental Allergies