How To Save The Earth Form Black Monster Called Carbon Dioxide
Today sun is playing cat and dog.
Hence the atmosphere is not so good and it is not favorable in Ahmedabad.
This is because of global warming and this leads by over pollution in city.
We are using only resources of earth and we are careless about the safety and conservative policies of the developed world.
We should take the affirmative action on the green and good environment.
The G8 submit is the first initiative step to take that provides the full proof action plan to fight against global warming.
This helps the earth and its creatures in their habitat.
As what happens to dinosaurs we have the assumption but if we use the earth resources like that we would not go in the right direction of existence.
This is some what ridiculous that we the human being create the problem to convert and successful land of opportunity to barren land.
We would be assured about the environment and their policies to retain the originality and awareness of the person to person behavior.
This is a natural phenomenon to be in the move of the various developed countries that it would be understood for the various terms and conditions.
So there should be a proper initiative program that enhance the various ways to minimize the carbon dioxide evolution and other chemicals like sulphur dioxide to get the earth very green.
Other resources should be used for the power generation.
oWind energy oHydro energy oTidal energy oPhoto energy oSolar energy oGravitational energy oMechanical energy oFrictional energy oAtomic energy oBio energy oOther energy resources.
These are various energy resources that can be used to get the better outputs and have the various gains instead of emission of co2.
In this we can use renewable sources of energy to get the more productive work.
Hence the atmosphere is not so good and it is not favorable in Ahmedabad.
This is because of global warming and this leads by over pollution in city.
We are using only resources of earth and we are careless about the safety and conservative policies of the developed world.
We should take the affirmative action on the green and good environment.
The G8 submit is the first initiative step to take that provides the full proof action plan to fight against global warming.
This helps the earth and its creatures in their habitat.
As what happens to dinosaurs we have the assumption but if we use the earth resources like that we would not go in the right direction of existence.
This is some what ridiculous that we the human being create the problem to convert and successful land of opportunity to barren land.
We would be assured about the environment and their policies to retain the originality and awareness of the person to person behavior.
This is a natural phenomenon to be in the move of the various developed countries that it would be understood for the various terms and conditions.
So there should be a proper initiative program that enhance the various ways to minimize the carbon dioxide evolution and other chemicals like sulphur dioxide to get the earth very green.
Other resources should be used for the power generation.
oWind energy oHydro energy oTidal energy oPhoto energy oSolar energy oGravitational energy oMechanical energy oFrictional energy oAtomic energy oBio energy oOther energy resources.
These are various energy resources that can be used to get the better outputs and have the various gains instead of emission of co2.
In this we can use renewable sources of energy to get the more productive work.