How Do I Understand Chinese Culture?
- Chinese culture has been greatly influenced by the belief systems of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Over the centuries, world views from these philosophies have become integrated into elements of culture in China. Huston Smith's "The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions" provides a comprehensive overview of these belief systems.
- Learn about the ancient, premodern and modern history of China for historical context of how Chinese culture developed into what it is today. Read works by Chinese history scholar Jonathan D. Spence and personal accounts of those who lived during the many political changes in 20th-century China.
- Educate yourself about the differences between the many ethnic groups in China. Tibet is part of China but has its own distinct language, culture and religion. The Hakka, Uighur, Mongols and Manchurians are a few others who live within the geographical borders of the nation but have their own cultural identities.
Belief Systems
Ethnic Groups