When one is purchasing travel insurance or any other form of insurance as a matter of fact, get down to the basics and do a little background check on the firm outright. The "About Us" tab usually has enough information to get to know them a bit better than you do and if you find inconsistencies, you can always check with the local trade office or insurance regulatory body to see if the firm is a reputable and registered member. Ask around or check out the testimonial pages to see if there are a lot of satisfied customers. Many of these online firms have affiliation with other insurance firms and groups so check them out too. Remember, when in doubt, better trust your instinct for as they say, "If it smells bad, its probably rotten."
If sickness is the reason for your cancellation, get checked by a doctor at obtain a certification as proof of your sickness. Attach the certification to your claim as proof of your sickness solidifying the reason for your claim. A mere verbal or written claim without certification form a physician can have the provider questioning the validity of your claim. As stated in most trip cancellation policies,
Your provider should also have provisions that include local multi-lingual support allowing you to get support wherever you may be in the world allowing you to file and claim from abroad should it be necessary. With these simple tips, filing for trip cancellations becomes easier and allows faster processing times in the event of the need to use your Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance.
Trip cancellation/Interruption insurance sounds straightforward yet without knowledge in how they work may give you a hard time when it comes to filing claims. Here are some tips that can help lessen the time and disruption to your schedule should you need to file a claim for trip cancellation. First, keep a copy of all documents submitted to the insurance company so any excuses that some or all of the claim's supporting documents can be verified by you and the provider. Photocopies are better and more presentable rather than handwriting. Next, attach a claims letter that specifies clearly the reason for your cancellation making it straightforward and easy to understand.
Many people fail to realize that most credit cards and health insurance packages already have some form of travel insurance that results is dual coverage and in the end wasted money on double coverage. Verify with your providers so you can use them and apply add-on options with the same providers should they offer them. This makes claims processing easier and faster for you have to deal with one provider rather than two in case of emergencies. If you happened to purchase your vacation package with your credit card, these card companies often include travel insurance free as part of their tie-up's with travel insurance agents and firms.
If sickness is the reason for your cancellation, get checked by a doctor at obtain a certification as proof of your sickness. Attach the certification to your claim as proof of your sickness solidifying the reason for your claim. A mere verbal or written claim without certification form a physician can have the provider questioning the validity of your claim. As stated in most trip cancellation policies,
Your provider should also have provisions that include local multi-lingual support allowing you to get support wherever you may be in the world allowing you to file and claim from abroad should it be necessary. With these simple tips, filing for trip cancellations becomes easier and allows faster processing times in the event of the need to use your Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance.
Trip cancellation/Interruption insurance sounds straightforward yet without knowledge in how they work may give you a hard time when it comes to filing claims. Here are some tips that can help lessen the time and disruption to your schedule should you need to file a claim for trip cancellation. First, keep a copy of all documents submitted to the insurance company so any excuses that some or all of the claim's supporting documents can be verified by you and the provider. Photocopies are better and more presentable rather than handwriting. Next, attach a claims letter that specifies clearly the reason for your cancellation making it straightforward and easy to understand.
Many people fail to realize that most credit cards and health insurance packages already have some form of travel insurance that results is dual coverage and in the end wasted money on double coverage. Verify with your providers so you can use them and apply add-on options with the same providers should they offer them. This makes claims processing easier and faster for you have to deal with one provider rather than two in case of emergencies. If you happened to purchase your vacation package with your credit card, these card companies often include travel insurance free as part of their tie-up's with travel insurance agents and firms.