How to Use 5-Gallon Buckets for Plants
- 1). Wash the interior and exterior of the bucket with soapy water and a scrub brush.
- 2). Turn the 5-gallon bucket upside down. Drill 10 to 15 1/4-inch holes spread evenly over the base of the bucket.
- 3). Line the bottom of the bucket with one layer of paper towel to prevent the soil from draining out with the water.
- 4). Fill the container with moistened commercial soilless mix or aged compost to within one inch of its rim.
- 5). Plant seeds according to the packet's instructions.
- 6). Place your bucket on a cinder block or other stand that allows water to flow out the drainage holes. Position the bucket in a spot where it will receive southern or western exposure if you are growing a plant that needs full sunlight --- six to eight hours --- such as tomato, pepper, eggplant or squash. Place your container where it receives eastern or northern exposure if you are growing a plant that has low sunlight needs --- three to five hours of direct sunlight a day --- such as lettuce or spinach.
- 7). Water the bucket with a watering can or slow-running hose until you see water dripping out of the drainage holes in the bottom of your bucket every time you water.
- 8). Fertilize the plant with a liquid commercial houseplant fertilizer every two weeks, beginning when the seedling reaches 1 to 2 inches in height. Water the plant after each fertilizer application.