Does Free Market Capitalism Create Machiavellian Type Wealthy Predators?
Many a detractor of Ayn Rand's philosophy pertaining to free market capitalism contends that such a system sets up a survival of the fittest scenario whereby entrepreneurial capitalists economically enslave the masses to serve their personal needs.
Further they contend that this creates a huge wealth gap between rich and poor to the point employees or the working class live in poverty, and thus, without a re-distribution system in place and stringent regulations the populous is left abused, used, and confused.
Well, this isn't really so, although you'd think from all the negative teleprompter class warfare comments it must be gospel that capitalism is bad, and socialism is grand.
The reality is there is a much bigger gap between rich and poor in socialism than in capitalism, and that socialism leads to economic ruin whereas, free market capitalism creates wealth, and a middle class as well as a large group of wealthy folks.
Secondly, free market capitalism is all about choice.
Sure an entrepreneur can treat their employees bad, or gouge on prices, but in a true free market, it will be ultimately to his demise.
You see, if the buyer of goods and services or an employee of the business owner doesn't like that, then they are of course free to tell that business owner to go take a hike, refuse to work for the SOB, or buy their goods and services.
In a true free-market, such a business owner would not survive, however, if you throw in crony capitalism or state-run capitalism, which is nothing close to free-market capitalism then the powers that be protect the SOB and assist him in creating a monopoly or circumventing competition, in that case the statement could be valid.
But we cannot compare apples and oranges, and certainly in the case of protectionism and crony capitalism, the business owner couldn't get there without the lawyers, laws, bureaucracy, regulations, and his friends in high places un-leveling the playing field and guaranteeing him a spot in victory lane.
It is of course, acknowledged that a business man would wish to build a moat around his business model, even Warren Buffet acknowledges that in his Essays, and invests in business that have the regulatory blessing to keep out competitors in a Motley Fools "Rule Breaker - Rule Maker" scenario.
But whose fault is it in the end? Policy makers who allow that to happen, why do they, because they are corrupt and cozy up to the wealth to stay in power.
But, there is nothing wrong with free-market capitalism, and survival of the fittest is a wise choice for efficiency, and competition, because it brings with it all we are and all we've built - which is why I hope the "Occupy Protestors" freeze or start coming down on crony capitalism and not free-market capitalism.
Socialism and Communism love to capture the power of capitalism, they love capitalism, because they want to control the distribution of resources, money, credit, and labor leading to economic enslavement, large gaps between classes, contrived shortages, and high-prices all detrimental to the individual holding them down, unable to compete, or rise in socio-economic status for the value of their labor, ideas, or production.
That is criminal.
Okay so, let's make sure everyone has their facts straight before condemning entrepreneurs, or free market capitalism deal? Please consider all this and think on it.
Further they contend that this creates a huge wealth gap between rich and poor to the point employees or the working class live in poverty, and thus, without a re-distribution system in place and stringent regulations the populous is left abused, used, and confused.
Well, this isn't really so, although you'd think from all the negative teleprompter class warfare comments it must be gospel that capitalism is bad, and socialism is grand.
The reality is there is a much bigger gap between rich and poor in socialism than in capitalism, and that socialism leads to economic ruin whereas, free market capitalism creates wealth, and a middle class as well as a large group of wealthy folks.
Secondly, free market capitalism is all about choice.
Sure an entrepreneur can treat their employees bad, or gouge on prices, but in a true free market, it will be ultimately to his demise.
You see, if the buyer of goods and services or an employee of the business owner doesn't like that, then they are of course free to tell that business owner to go take a hike, refuse to work for the SOB, or buy their goods and services.
In a true free-market, such a business owner would not survive, however, if you throw in crony capitalism or state-run capitalism, which is nothing close to free-market capitalism then the powers that be protect the SOB and assist him in creating a monopoly or circumventing competition, in that case the statement could be valid.
But we cannot compare apples and oranges, and certainly in the case of protectionism and crony capitalism, the business owner couldn't get there without the lawyers, laws, bureaucracy, regulations, and his friends in high places un-leveling the playing field and guaranteeing him a spot in victory lane.
It is of course, acknowledged that a business man would wish to build a moat around his business model, even Warren Buffet acknowledges that in his Essays, and invests in business that have the regulatory blessing to keep out competitors in a Motley Fools "Rule Breaker - Rule Maker" scenario.
But whose fault is it in the end? Policy makers who allow that to happen, why do they, because they are corrupt and cozy up to the wealth to stay in power.
But, there is nothing wrong with free-market capitalism, and survival of the fittest is a wise choice for efficiency, and competition, because it brings with it all we are and all we've built - which is why I hope the "Occupy Protestors" freeze or start coming down on crony capitalism and not free-market capitalism.
Socialism and Communism love to capture the power of capitalism, they love capitalism, because they want to control the distribution of resources, money, credit, and labor leading to economic enslavement, large gaps between classes, contrived shortages, and high-prices all detrimental to the individual holding them down, unable to compete, or rise in socio-economic status for the value of their labor, ideas, or production.
That is criminal.
Okay so, let's make sure everyone has their facts straight before condemning entrepreneurs, or free market capitalism deal? Please consider all this and think on it.