A New Diet is Like a New Baby Or the Excitement of a Wedding
And that's the way it should be - so full of promise.
It's like the first day of baseball spring training where every team can dream of being champions.
Or preseason football where every team can say that they are undefeated.
Or the first day of college when every student has the opportunity to finish with a 4.
0 grade point average.
Ah, yes, the new beginnings.
So when does it begin to break down and how can we prevent it from not meeting our expectations? How can we at least prolong the livelihood of the program? For even as we thrive another day toward better health and fitness, our quest, resolve and momentum all improve our odds for winning the battle tomorrow.
Well, maybe the best that you can do is extend the process long enough to get some benefits prior to it fading away.
I mean is the diet you are so excited about really going to get you where you want to be AND keep you there.
Chances are it will not.
There are just too many variables and the odds are stacked against it happening.
But that is not all bad news.
It really is about change.
As you seek out an ideal body images, weight loss tips or some quality weight loss program, you are finding that your new self is wanting to break out and emerge.
You see, even if you did accomplish all that your new diet promises, you would be a different person.
And at that point in time, your needs would have changed and your program would need to change.
Look, whether you believe in aging or not, we are all changing all of the time.
The old adage: there is no such thing as staying the same; you are either striving to improve yourself or you are allowing yourself to get worse.
It is very real.
And again, that is the good news.
Embrace it.
Because as you change, your body changes and you will need to adjust your program.
A lot of people approach a new diet as if it were going to be their life long friend.
The reality is that if you accepted the fact that this diet will not meet your needs, you would be looking for a new program or a way to adjust your current program.
We believe in your future.
We believe that successful Weight Loss comes from having a compelling vision of your future self.
If you could see an actual photo of how you are going to look AFTER you lose the weight, you would get excited.
When you are reminded daily about you could look, you are going to stay on your program over the long run.
When you have confidence and certainty about your future, you will have the dream come true.
Let The Vision Empower You!
It's like the first day of baseball spring training where every team can dream of being champions.
Or preseason football where every team can say that they are undefeated.
Or the first day of college when every student has the opportunity to finish with a 4.
0 grade point average.
Ah, yes, the new beginnings.
So when does it begin to break down and how can we prevent it from not meeting our expectations? How can we at least prolong the livelihood of the program? For even as we thrive another day toward better health and fitness, our quest, resolve and momentum all improve our odds for winning the battle tomorrow.
Well, maybe the best that you can do is extend the process long enough to get some benefits prior to it fading away.
I mean is the diet you are so excited about really going to get you where you want to be AND keep you there.
Chances are it will not.
There are just too many variables and the odds are stacked against it happening.
But that is not all bad news.
It really is about change.
As you seek out an ideal body images, weight loss tips or some quality weight loss program, you are finding that your new self is wanting to break out and emerge.
You see, even if you did accomplish all that your new diet promises, you would be a different person.
And at that point in time, your needs would have changed and your program would need to change.
Look, whether you believe in aging or not, we are all changing all of the time.
The old adage: there is no such thing as staying the same; you are either striving to improve yourself or you are allowing yourself to get worse.
It is very real.
And again, that is the good news.
Embrace it.
Because as you change, your body changes and you will need to adjust your program.
A lot of people approach a new diet as if it were going to be their life long friend.
The reality is that if you accepted the fact that this diet will not meet your needs, you would be looking for a new program or a way to adjust your current program.
We believe in your future.
We believe that successful Weight Loss comes from having a compelling vision of your future self.
If you could see an actual photo of how you are going to look AFTER you lose the weight, you would get excited.
When you are reminded daily about you could look, you are going to stay on your program over the long run.
When you have confidence and certainty about your future, you will have the dream come true.
Let The Vision Empower You!