4 Steps to a Lower Blood Cholesterol Level
Changing the amount and type of fat eaten can help to lower blood cholesterol.
there are several types of fat in the diet which can act differently in the body, and it is helpful to be aware of the differences.
CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a substance made in the body.
It also occurs naturally in certain foods.
The cholesterol in food has only a small influence on blood levels.
To help lower your blood cholesterol it is much more important to eat less of all types of fats, than simply to avoid cholesterol rich foods.
SATURATED FATS Saturated fats raise your blood cholesterol level.
All animal and some vegetable fats are saturated and should be restricted.
UNSATURATED FATS In moderation, unsaturated fats help to keep your blood cholesterol level down.
There are two different types of unsaturated fat, namely monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.
Olive oil and rape-seed oil are particularly high in monounsaturated fats Polyunsaturated fats are found in oily fish and certain vegetable oils e.
corn oil, sunflower see oil.
You may read about 'cis' and 'trans' forms of polyunsaturated fat.
The 'cis' form is thought to be the most beneficial for lowering blood cholesterol.
For specific advice, consult your Doctor or a Dietitian.
NO - If you do not need to lose weight, then you will probably find that you need extra starchy foods such as bread and potatoes to fill yourself up.
By using unsaturated fat margarines and oils will not help you lose weight, as they are just as fattening as butter or dripping! WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO EAT MORE FIBRE? A healthy diet is high in fibre.
The type of fibre in fruit, beans and oats are particularly good for helping to lower your blood cholesterol.
there are several types of fat in the diet which can act differently in the body, and it is helpful to be aware of the differences.
CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a substance made in the body.
It also occurs naturally in certain foods.
The cholesterol in food has only a small influence on blood levels.
To help lower your blood cholesterol it is much more important to eat less of all types of fats, than simply to avoid cholesterol rich foods.
SATURATED FATS Saturated fats raise your blood cholesterol level.
All animal and some vegetable fats are saturated and should be restricted.
UNSATURATED FATS In moderation, unsaturated fats help to keep your blood cholesterol level down.
There are two different types of unsaturated fat, namely monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.
Olive oil and rape-seed oil are particularly high in monounsaturated fats Polyunsaturated fats are found in oily fish and certain vegetable oils e.
corn oil, sunflower see oil.
You may read about 'cis' and 'trans' forms of polyunsaturated fat.
The 'cis' form is thought to be the most beneficial for lowering blood cholesterol.
- Eat less of all types of fat
- Be careful about the type of fat you do eat
- Lose weight if you need to
- Eat a high fibre diet
- Fat or oil used in cooking should be used sparingly.
Try cooking methods such as - baking, grilling, steaming or microwave, which do not need extra fat. - Milk and dairy foods, choose from a wide range of low-fat cheeses, yoghurts, skimmed and semi-skimmed milk.
- Eggs add variety to your diet and in moderation (up to 4 per week), will not increase cholesterol.
- Meat and fish, trim all visible fat off, use lean and small portions of red meat.
Remove skin from poultry, add variety by having oily fish such as sardines, pilchards, tuna, mackerel or herring.
They contain the right type of fat for a healthy heart. - Manufactured foods contain more fat than you would expect.
Check food labels for the fat content in similar foods.
- Use a magarine labelled high in polyunsaturates to spread on bread, most also have low-fat varieties.
- Use low-fat cooking methods, or if oil is required choose, Olive Oil or a pure vegetable oil high in polyunsaturates - Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil.
- Lower fat foods are becoming widely available, although care is needed as some of the fat has been removed, they still remain high in fat levels.
For specific advice, consult your Doctor or a Dietitian.
NO - If you do not need to lose weight, then you will probably find that you need extra starchy foods such as bread and potatoes to fill yourself up.
By using unsaturated fat margarines and oils will not help you lose weight, as they are just as fattening as butter or dripping! WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO EAT MORE FIBRE? A healthy diet is high in fibre.
The type of fibre in fruit, beans and oats are particularly good for helping to lower your blood cholesterol.
- 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day
- Replace some meat with beans or pulses in stews.
- Adding different types of beans to soups and salads
- Choosing an Oat based cereal - Porridge or muesli
- Eating wholemeal bread