Facts About Credit That May Surprise You and Why We Need Credit Card Debt Help Online
The credit industry has boomed from one end where Americans "have to" obtain credit cards and make charges that they can no longer afford to pay because of the job situation in America to a dramatic move into erasing their debts if they have over $10,000.
00 Here are some astonishing facts about credit cards that may shock you and why we now need credit card debt help online.
Fees that are associate with our creditors have risen over 140% the last three years.
There are 2.
2 million swipes every hour in the US alone! 3.
Even more shocking is the fact that our consumer debt now exceeds the debt the Nation owes.
This shows that America is truly in debt to our creditors.
80% of all divorces are now caused by some form of debt.
In the early 90's the FTC employed 2 lawyers to take care of these bad debts, now there are over 120 legal personnel and lawyers that handle these problems.
In 2005 over 20 States went to bat against banks that used "unfair practices".
After reading this, we can see why more and more American are looking for credit card debt help online.
What is this debt help online and does it help Americans? A debt help company online is a company that can help you negotiate with your creditors or another collection agency.
It is very important that if your debt has been turned over to a collection agency that you understand your consumer rights and not let them take advantage of you.
They can help you understand the collection laws that heve been put in place to protect you.
As an example, the FTC states that you can send your collection agency a "cease and desist," letter which will prevent your collection agency from contacting you, until they decide to take further action.
This simply means they cannot bother or harass you.
This is just one example of how credit card debt help online can give you the right tools to get out of debt and protect you.
00 Here are some astonishing facts about credit cards that may shock you and why we now need credit card debt help online.
Fees that are associate with our creditors have risen over 140% the last three years.
There are 2.
2 million swipes every hour in the US alone! 3.
Even more shocking is the fact that our consumer debt now exceeds the debt the Nation owes.
This shows that America is truly in debt to our creditors.
80% of all divorces are now caused by some form of debt.
In the early 90's the FTC employed 2 lawyers to take care of these bad debts, now there are over 120 legal personnel and lawyers that handle these problems.
In 2005 over 20 States went to bat against banks that used "unfair practices".
After reading this, we can see why more and more American are looking for credit card debt help online.
What is this debt help online and does it help Americans? A debt help company online is a company that can help you negotiate with your creditors or another collection agency.
It is very important that if your debt has been turned over to a collection agency that you understand your consumer rights and not let them take advantage of you.
They can help you understand the collection laws that heve been put in place to protect you.
As an example, the FTC states that you can send your collection agency a "cease and desist," letter which will prevent your collection agency from contacting you, until they decide to take further action.
This simply means they cannot bother or harass you.
This is just one example of how credit card debt help online can give you the right tools to get out of debt and protect you.