Chronic Kidney Disease - An Overview
The kidneys serve many important functions to the overall health of the body. Resting just below your ribcage on your backside, they each contain over a million tiny vessels called nephrons that act as filters for your blood.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) or chronic renal disease is a silent but potentially deadly disease that's non-discriminating and can strike anyone at any time because of its affinity for going months or even years undetected.The prevalence of chronic renal disease has increased by up to 25% from the previous decade. The increasing incidence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension high blood pressure, obesity, and an aging population have led to this increase in kidney disease.
Common Causes of CKD
diabetic nephropathy
hypertension and glomerulonephritis
According to scientific studies, there are several causes of kidney disease, some of them are supposed to be genetic. Scientific evidence shows that 35 per cent of what goes on in the body is genetic, the other 65 per cent we can control with lifestyle, so I don't know how much of an excuse we can give to genetics.
Perhaps, understanding how chronic kidney disease happens will lead the way for more effort to prevent it. The kidneys are the body's filter units that work 24/7 getting rid of the toxins and wastes the body makes or brings in.
Chronic kidney disease is a state that harms your kidneys. It reduces your kidneys' aptitude to perform its jobs and to maintain you healthy. The two major grounds of chronic kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure.Kidney disease can be hereditary. There are a number of rare hereditary kidney diseases that result in leakage of blood or protein from the kidneys. These diseases can sometimes be managed medically but, in other cases, dialysis or kidney transplant are necessary to cure the underlying problem.
The kidney disease symptoms associated with later stages of the disease include
Unintentional weight loss
Yellow or brown skin
Lack of urine output
Vomiting and nausea
Abnormalities in fingernails and toenails
Muscle cramps or twitching
Blood in stools or vomit
Some prevention for chronic kidney disease:
Your salty and fatty foods intake should be reduced. Instead of taking drinks like sodas, drink plenty of water to clean your system. You need to stay fit and this will come about by taking at least 30 minutes daily for exercises.
Diet: You might hear or read things that suggest certain special diets for your cat. However, the most important thing is that your cat is eating. If your cat doesn't like the diet and refuses to eat the food, it doesn't do much good. Feed your cat the foods she likes to eat, staying with nutritional, healthy foods.
Severe back pain is a symptom of kidney failure at start. The incidence of diabetes kidney failure is known as the end stage of renal disease. So, with the symptoms of renal failure, chance of survival becomes very low with routine medication.Whatever may be the kidney disease treatment you take, change of lifestyle with selected diabetes foods is highly needed to be free from all risks.
Common Causes of CKD
diabetic nephropathy
hypertension and glomerulonephritis
According to scientific studies, there are several causes of kidney disease, some of them are supposed to be genetic. Scientific evidence shows that 35 per cent of what goes on in the body is genetic, the other 65 per cent we can control with lifestyle, so I don't know how much of an excuse we can give to genetics.
Perhaps, understanding how chronic kidney disease happens will lead the way for more effort to prevent it. The kidneys are the body's filter units that work 24/7 getting rid of the toxins and wastes the body makes or brings in.
Chronic kidney disease is a state that harms your kidneys. It reduces your kidneys' aptitude to perform its jobs and to maintain you healthy. The two major grounds of chronic kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure.Kidney disease can be hereditary. There are a number of rare hereditary kidney diseases that result in leakage of blood or protein from the kidneys. These diseases can sometimes be managed medically but, in other cases, dialysis or kidney transplant are necessary to cure the underlying problem.
The kidney disease symptoms associated with later stages of the disease include
Unintentional weight loss
Yellow or brown skin
Lack of urine output
Vomiting and nausea
Abnormalities in fingernails and toenails
Muscle cramps or twitching
Blood in stools or vomit
Some prevention for chronic kidney disease:
Your salty and fatty foods intake should be reduced. Instead of taking drinks like sodas, drink plenty of water to clean your system. You need to stay fit and this will come about by taking at least 30 minutes daily for exercises.
Diet: You might hear or read things that suggest certain special diets for your cat. However, the most important thing is that your cat is eating. If your cat doesn't like the diet and refuses to eat the food, it doesn't do much good. Feed your cat the foods she likes to eat, staying with nutritional, healthy foods.
Severe back pain is a symptom of kidney failure at start. The incidence of diabetes kidney failure is known as the end stage of renal disease. So, with the symptoms of renal failure, chance of survival becomes very low with routine medication.Whatever may be the kidney disease treatment you take, change of lifestyle with selected diabetes foods is highly needed to be free from all risks.