5 Easy Steps on How to Toilet Train My Cat
If asked the question 'How to train my cat to use the toilet' I always begin by conversing with the other party that I first train myself.
Another way of explaining it would be I get into the habit of always doing - lid up, seat down.
I even go so far as to put up a little sign close to the toilet stating this to prompt me and any visitors to the house.
The cat will get used to seeing the toilet this way and accept it to the extent that when it is fully toilet trained, if the seat is still up, it will put it down.
So lets start with our 5 easy steps.
I will move my cat's litter tray into the bathroom.
It does seem quite obvious really, but I will do it bit by bit by the litter box a little bit closer to the bowl.
When it is next to the toilet, every day, I keep raising the litter box by putting papers underneath it, an old telephone directory is a great idea to help reach the height of the toilet.
Word of caution here, avoid using shiney cover magazines, these are too slippery and you can probably guess what happens! Also it might do no harm to secure the box to the stack in case the cat jumps straight up to and with the same end result.
I will start by moving the box over the toilet seat inch by inch .
Just like before we will gradually so the cat won't notice it.
Then when it is entirely over the seat I gradually reduce the amount of litter in the tray until there is only about 1inch left.
I will change the litter tray with a trainer.
What I mean here is to remove the tray from across the bowl and put a container of some description fixed in place actually within the bowl or, cover the toilet bowl with wax paper, then lower the seat and put on some flushable litter.
I make a hole of about an inch so the cat will get used to the 'sounds' then, again ever so gradually, I will keep enlarging the hole until the cat is just using the seat and gravity to balance.
At the same time as widening the hole I reduce the amount of flushable litter until there is none.
My cat is now toilet trained.
Some thoughts.
·Go easy.
If I rush the cat it will only become confused and increase the chances of little accidents.
I wait until the cat is comfortable with this new way before it is changed again.
·If your cat is and indoor/outdoor cat it may have already got used to waiting, so it may not work out for them.
·If I am at home for the full duration of the training it is more likely to be successful.
Some cats do not like making number 2's on top of their number 1's so you should try to flush after the cat pees.
·I always give a little treat as reward for the cat.
So there we have it; how to toilet train my cat in 5 easy to complete steps.
Simple, straightforward, clean and a bit of fun for both me and the cat.
Another way of explaining it would be I get into the habit of always doing - lid up, seat down.
I even go so far as to put up a little sign close to the toilet stating this to prompt me and any visitors to the house.
The cat will get used to seeing the toilet this way and accept it to the extent that when it is fully toilet trained, if the seat is still up, it will put it down.
So lets start with our 5 easy steps.
I will move my cat's litter tray into the bathroom.
It does seem quite obvious really, but I will do it bit by bit by the litter box a little bit closer to the bowl.
When it is next to the toilet, every day, I keep raising the litter box by putting papers underneath it, an old telephone directory is a great idea to help reach the height of the toilet.
Word of caution here, avoid using shiney cover magazines, these are too slippery and you can probably guess what happens! Also it might do no harm to secure the box to the stack in case the cat jumps straight up to and with the same end result.
I will start by moving the box over the toilet seat inch by inch .
Just like before we will gradually so the cat won't notice it.
Then when it is entirely over the seat I gradually reduce the amount of litter in the tray until there is only about 1inch left.
I will change the litter tray with a trainer.
What I mean here is to remove the tray from across the bowl and put a container of some description fixed in place actually within the bowl or, cover the toilet bowl with wax paper, then lower the seat and put on some flushable litter.
I make a hole of about an inch so the cat will get used to the 'sounds' then, again ever so gradually, I will keep enlarging the hole until the cat is just using the seat and gravity to balance.
At the same time as widening the hole I reduce the amount of flushable litter until there is none.
My cat is now toilet trained.
Some thoughts.
·Go easy.
If I rush the cat it will only become confused and increase the chances of little accidents.
I wait until the cat is comfortable with this new way before it is changed again.
·If your cat is and indoor/outdoor cat it may have already got used to waiting, so it may not work out for them.
·If I am at home for the full duration of the training it is more likely to be successful.
Some cats do not like making number 2's on top of their number 1's so you should try to flush after the cat pees.
·I always give a little treat as reward for the cat.
So there we have it; how to toilet train my cat in 5 easy to complete steps.
Simple, straightforward, clean and a bit of fun for both me and the cat.