What Is The Most Successful Way To Overcome Smoking?
Smoking is one heck of an addiction to kick. Why else would it take nearly five million lives a year? Apparently, the smorgasbord of nicotine patches, pills, hypnosis, and now even an electronic cigarette isnt enough to tame this infamous addiction. Perhaps whats needed isnt a treatment at all, but rather an experience powerful enough to annihilate the internal blocks between the sufferer of addictive behavior and the inner peace they truly crave. One such experience is indeed available, known as the Self(s) Healing Experience facilitated by luminary and visionary, Rhonda Lenair. For more than twenty years, Rhonda has guided tens of thousands suffering from addictive behavior to a state of peace in which they immediately outgrow their addiction.
Dr. Phillip Stone, M.D. a plastic surgeon with a successful practice in New York City, went to Rhonda to quit smoking, and did so after only one treatment. "What a profound help you have been to me personally and to many of my clients. Your gift for diagnostic analysis facilitates bridging the chasm between Eastern and Western medicine. Alternative therapeutics have been strengthened by your expertise."
Consider K. Fischers incredible experience with Rhonda: Rhonda Lenair changed my life. After smoking for 40 years I was very skeptical that I would ever be free of cigarettes. I had tried many plans over the last 20 years and had given up ever fighting the addiction. My sister convinced me to go... I was sure it would not work. That was 14 months ago and I have had no cravings and no cigarettes since that day. My life has dramatically changed. I can hike and do physical activities that left me breathless. I feel 110% better and the added healing benefits of being with Rhonda have helped me eat better, exercise more, and generally feel better about myself.
J. Fergusons story was similar: Im going to explain the happiest day of my life, which was April 16, the day I stopped smoking. I was a 40-year smoker on two packs a day. I no longer have a coughing problem which could be embarrassing at times. Also I never had any withdrawal symptoms. It was the easiest and most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life.
These two incredible stories are part of a symphony of positive acclaim which the Self(s) Healing Experience has received. They show beyond a doubt that no matter strong your addiction, no matter how long youve been addicted, you can be free and have inner peace again. If youre ready to become a predictable miracle, SHE is your answer. Call the Lenair Self(s) Healing Center. Youll be able to identify with Sandy Shea, editor of the Boston Phoenix, who hasnt smoked in over two years: "It certainly amazes me. All I can say is that your need for a cigarette hits a wall and dies, and sooner or later, you don't have the need anymore."
Dr. Phillip Stone, M.D. a plastic surgeon with a successful practice in New York City, went to Rhonda to quit smoking, and did so after only one treatment. "What a profound help you have been to me personally and to many of my clients. Your gift for diagnostic analysis facilitates bridging the chasm between Eastern and Western medicine. Alternative therapeutics have been strengthened by your expertise."
Consider K. Fischers incredible experience with Rhonda: Rhonda Lenair changed my life. After smoking for 40 years I was very skeptical that I would ever be free of cigarettes. I had tried many plans over the last 20 years and had given up ever fighting the addiction. My sister convinced me to go... I was sure it would not work. That was 14 months ago and I have had no cravings and no cigarettes since that day. My life has dramatically changed. I can hike and do physical activities that left me breathless. I feel 110% better and the added healing benefits of being with Rhonda have helped me eat better, exercise more, and generally feel better about myself.
J. Fergusons story was similar: Im going to explain the happiest day of my life, which was April 16, the day I stopped smoking. I was a 40-year smoker on two packs a day. I no longer have a coughing problem which could be embarrassing at times. Also I never had any withdrawal symptoms. It was the easiest and most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life.
These two incredible stories are part of a symphony of positive acclaim which the Self(s) Healing Experience has received. They show beyond a doubt that no matter strong your addiction, no matter how long youve been addicted, you can be free and have inner peace again. If youre ready to become a predictable miracle, SHE is your answer. Call the Lenair Self(s) Healing Center. Youll be able to identify with Sandy Shea, editor of the Boston Phoenix, who hasnt smoked in over two years: "It certainly amazes me. All I can say is that your need for a cigarette hits a wall and dies, and sooner or later, you don't have the need anymore."