Inner Thigh Exercises That Work - Lose Those Thunder Thighs!
The best inner thigh exercises are needed when we're looking to finally get rid of our "thunder thighs" or big legs.
It's never a good feeling when you're trying on a new pair of pants and you can't get your legs through to even try them on...
hey we've all been there at one point or another! Today I'm going to go over a couple techniques that Asian women do to quickly strip fat and muscle away from their thighs to get their famous "stick legs" that look so good in a pair of skinny jeans...
and how you can easily add these methods to your own routine and see results quickly.
Inner Thigh Exercises That Work Honestly, you're not going to learn all of the inner thigh exercises that work from just a single short article or webpage, it takes a solid program of healthy habits and the right food to really get your dream legs.
However you CAN learn a trick or two that will help you in the short-term, and get you started on the road to success: It's The Opposite Of What You're Expecting The main reason why most women tend to fail when trying to get skinny legs at the gym or health club is because a personal trainer throws them on some stair-climber or weight press machine or other apparatus and tells them to "do 3 sets of 10 reps and then switch machines".
That's just about the worst advice you could get to actually cut fat and muscle off of your thighs, and in fact can actually ADD size to them through muscle growth! Asian women would never do that nonsense, which is why you don't see them working out on a leg-press machine endlessly to get their shape.
Instead, you see them doing what? Seriously, when you see video, or film, or a tv show about Asian countries and you see their daily life, what are the women always doing? Answer: They're WALKING.
That's it.
So simple, so easy, so common, yet so unknown as the true master of inner thigh exercises that work.
Think about the last time you saw a long-distance athlete like say bicyclist Lance Armstrong, or a marathon runner.
Did they have big thighs? Nope.
They had long lean legs that looked like they could barely carry their own weight, let alone ride a bike for 100+ miles.
And that's the misconception, that walking isn't "hard enough" to lose weight or strip away fat.
That it's too easy to really see results...
and yet, the proof is all around us.
Some of the best results my local weight-loss clients have experienced in shrinking their thighs has been to get out there and walk, 30 minutes per day, on a FLAT level area.
No hills, no inclines.
Just a nice flat walk for half an hour a day.
Try it for a month and you'll see the results I'm talking about...
it sure beats lifting weights and killing yourself on a machine.
What If You Still Can't Get Skinny Legs? If today's leg tip on how to lose inches from your thighs doesn't work for you, you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...
without starving or doing crazy workouts.
It's never a good feeling when you're trying on a new pair of pants and you can't get your legs through to even try them on...
hey we've all been there at one point or another! Today I'm going to go over a couple techniques that Asian women do to quickly strip fat and muscle away from their thighs to get their famous "stick legs" that look so good in a pair of skinny jeans...
and how you can easily add these methods to your own routine and see results quickly.
Inner Thigh Exercises That Work Honestly, you're not going to learn all of the inner thigh exercises that work from just a single short article or webpage, it takes a solid program of healthy habits and the right food to really get your dream legs.
However you CAN learn a trick or two that will help you in the short-term, and get you started on the road to success: It's The Opposite Of What You're Expecting The main reason why most women tend to fail when trying to get skinny legs at the gym or health club is because a personal trainer throws them on some stair-climber or weight press machine or other apparatus and tells them to "do 3 sets of 10 reps and then switch machines".
That's just about the worst advice you could get to actually cut fat and muscle off of your thighs, and in fact can actually ADD size to them through muscle growth! Asian women would never do that nonsense, which is why you don't see them working out on a leg-press machine endlessly to get their shape.
Instead, you see them doing what? Seriously, when you see video, or film, or a tv show about Asian countries and you see their daily life, what are the women always doing? Answer: They're WALKING.
That's it.
So simple, so easy, so common, yet so unknown as the true master of inner thigh exercises that work.
Think about the last time you saw a long-distance athlete like say bicyclist Lance Armstrong, or a marathon runner.
Did they have big thighs? Nope.
They had long lean legs that looked like they could barely carry their own weight, let alone ride a bike for 100+ miles.
And that's the misconception, that walking isn't "hard enough" to lose weight or strip away fat.
That it's too easy to really see results...
and yet, the proof is all around us.
Some of the best results my local weight-loss clients have experienced in shrinking their thighs has been to get out there and walk, 30 minutes per day, on a FLAT level area.
No hills, no inclines.
Just a nice flat walk for half an hour a day.
Try it for a month and you'll see the results I'm talking about...
it sure beats lifting weights and killing yourself on a machine.
What If You Still Can't Get Skinny Legs? If today's leg tip on how to lose inches from your thighs doesn't work for you, you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...
without starving or doing crazy workouts.