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Why the Future of Longform Journalism is Important Right Now

101 1
?h? l?ngf?rm tr?nd t?w?rd d????r, ?nv?st?g?t?v? ?????s. ?ts l?un?h r??r?s?nts ? w?d?-s?r??d r?v?v?l?sm ?f ? m?r? ?r??t?v? ???r???h t? journalism th?t ?s f?und ?n ?utl?ts ??r?ss th? ??untr?. ?t?r??s, n?t ?ust f??ts, ?r? ?n d?m?nd. ?h?r?'s ? ?l?th?r? ?f r??s?ns f?r th?s r?s? ?n l?ngf?rm journalism: ? s??r?h f?r ? n?w bus?n?ss m?d?l; fr?gm?nt?t??n ?f m?d?? ?utl?ts; ?n ?n?r??s? ?n ??urn?l?sts' sub???t?v?t?; ? d?s?r? t? t?ll st?r??s ?n ?nt?r?st?ng ?nd d?n?m?? w??s, ?m?ng ?th?rs. In this piece, we will f??us ?n th? n?w d?g?t?l s?h?r? ?n the l?ngf?rm space. ?l??rl?, ? ?r?m?r? r??s?n f?r th? r?n??ss?n?? ?f l?ngf?rm ?s ?dv?n??s ?n d?g?t?l ?nd ?nl?n? ?l?tf?rms.

?n th? ??st f?w ???rs, l?ngf?rm h?s ??qu?r?d ? ?ult-l?k? f?ll?w?ng. ?h? n?-?um? ?r? ?h?r??t?r?z?d b? sh?rt n?ws ?l??s ?n th? fr?nt ??g?s ?f n?ws????rs ?s ?nd?ng, ?nd l?ngf?rm n?rr?t?v? journalism ?s ??m?ng b??k ?nt? st?l?. ?h?r? ?r? f?ur r??s?ns f?r th?s:

  1. ?h? ?mbr??? ?f m?b?l? d?v???s ?nd t?bl?ts.
  2. ?h? r?s? ?f s????l r???mm?nd?t??n — sh?r?ng st?r??s v?? s????l m?d?? s?t?s l?k? ?w?tt?r
  3. ? ??mmun?t? th?t h?s ?mbr???d ? n?w w?? t? ?rg?n?z? th?s ??nt?nt.
  4. ?h? r?s? ?f t?m?-sh?ft?ng ???s th?t ?n?bl? r??d?rs t? f?l? st?r??s ?w??

Wh?t ????tl? ?s l?ngf?rm? Wh?l? th? m??n?ng m?? d?ff?r, ?t's usu?ll? l?ng?r, m?r? ?n-d??th ?????s r?ng?ng fr?m 2,000-10,000+ w?rds. ?h?s? ?r? st?r??s th?t ?r? t?ld w?th m?r? ?f ? n?rr?t?v? v????, ?nd ????r?m?nt w?th stru?tur? ?nd v?su?ls.

G?n? ?r? th? d??s wh?n st?r??s th?t r?n ?n ?r?nt ?????r ?n th? s?m? f?rm?t ?nl?n?. ??w?rful v?su?ls, ??d?d b? d?g?t?l t??hn?l?g??s, dr?v? ??nt?nt ?nl?n?. L?ngf?rm ?ll?ws f?r ??urn?l?sts t? ????r?m?nt w?th mult?m?d?? ?nd stru?tur? t? t?ll ??m??ll?ng st?r??s.


D?g?t?l ?r?s?nt?t??n ?n?bl?s fl???b?l?t? ?nd ?r??t?v?t? th?t tr?d?t??n?l f?rm?ts ??nn?t ?r?v?d?, wh??h ?s ??ndu??v? t? th? ?bstr??t st?l? ?f l?ngf?rm. Ult?m?t?l?, th?s? ?ng?g?ng v?su?ls t?ll st?r??s ?n un?h?rt?d m?th?ds.

?h? ??mm?d?f???t??n ?f n?ws h?s ??tu?ll? b??n ?dv?nt?g??us f?r l?ngf?rm ??urn?l?sm. ?????l m?d?? ?ls? h?l?s s?r??d th? w?rd ?b?ut l?ngf?rm ?nd ?n?r??s? ?ts ???ul?r?t?. ?t's ?bv??us th?t s????l m?d?? ?n?r??s?s r??d?rsh??, ?s n?ws st?r??s ??n b? ??s?l? s?r??d v?? tw??t, F???b??k sh?r? ?nd bl?g ??st. Furth?rm?r?, du? t? ?w?tt?r's ?b?l?t? t? br??k n?ws qu??kl?, n?ws ?utl?ts ??n f??us l?ss ?n th? d??l? n?ws ???l? ?nd m?r? ?n ?r?du??ng l?ng?r ?????s th?t t?k? w??ks t? r???rt ?nd wr?t?.

??ws????rs usu?ll? ??n't ?ubl?sh l?ngf?rms b???us? th?? d?n't h?v? th? s????. ?h?t ???ns u? th? ?nt?rn?t ?s th? m??n ?v?nu? f?r l?ngf?rm w?rk, ?nd ?t's ? s???? th?t ?ll?ws f?r m?n? ?ubl?sh?rs ?nd n?t ?ust th? m???r n?ws ?utl?ts. ?h? d?m??r??? ?f th? ?nt?rn?t ?ll?ws f?r l?ngf?rm s?t?s t? ?st?bl?sh th?ms?lv?s.

W?th th? ?nt?rn?t, sudd?nl? ?v?r??n? ?s ? ??urn?l?st. ?h?s ???ns u? th? ??ss?b?l?t? f?r m?r? ??nt?nt t? b? ?ubl?sh?d — wh?th?r b? ? ??urn?l?st ?t ? m???r m?d?? ??r??r?t??n, ?r ? ??ll?g? ??urn?l?st, ?r ?n??n? wh? h?s ?n ?nt?r?st ?n wr?t?ng. ?h?s ?s ??rt??ul?rl? ?dv?nt?g??us t? l?ngf?rm ?s th? ?nt?rn?t ?s n?w ? v?st n?w f?r?st ?f n?ws, d?t?, ???n??n, s?t?r?–?nd ??rh??s m?st ?m??rt?ntl?, d?r??t ????r??n??. Un?r???d?nt?d ????rtun?t??s ???st f?r ??rt?????t??n ?n th? ?r??t??n, ?ur?t??n ?nd d?s?uss??n ?f n?ws.

?urr?ntl?, th? w?b ?s th? d?m?n?nt d?l?v?r? s?st?m f?r d?g?t?l ??urn?l?sm, but th?t m?ght ?h?ng?. ?h? ???d ?nd ?th?r t?bl?ts h?v? ?m?rg?d ?s ? n?w m?d?um f?r ??urn?l?sm, ?s?????ll? l?ngf?rm, but s? f?r th?r?'s v?r? l?ttl? r?s??r?h b?h?nd th? ?m???t ?f th?s? d?v???s.

?dv?rt?s?ng r?v?nu? ?s th? f?r?m?st ?nd???t?r ?f ? n?ws ?utl?t's su???ss. Wh?l? ?r?nt ?dv?rt?s?ng ??nt?nu?s t? dr??, ?dv?rt?s?ng ?n m?g?z?n? t?bl?t ?d?t??ns h?s r?s?n 22 ??r??nt s? f?r th?s ???r th?n l?st. Y?t t?bl?ts st?ll ????unt f?r ? t?n? sh?r? ?f m?g?z?n? r??d?rsh?? — ?ust 3.3 ??r??nt ?f t?t?l ??r?ul?t??n. ??w?v?r, th?s l?w ??r?ul?t??n ?s l?k?l? du? t? th? f??t th?t ?nl? ? sm?ll ??rt??n ?f th? ???ul?t??n ?wns ? t?bl?t. ? g??d s?gn ?s th?t t?bl?t s?l?s ?r? gr?w?ng. ?? 2017, ?b?ut h?lf th? ???ul?t??n ?s ?r????t?d t? ?wn ? t?bl?t. ?f t?bl?ts ?r? th? w?? ?f th? futur? ?n ??urn?l?sm, ?t's t?? ??rl? t? t?ll.

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