Is ObamaCare a Slow Step-By-Step Assimilation Plan Like the Eurozone?
Is ObamaCare a Slow Step-by-Step Assimilation Plan Like the Eurozone? Not long ago, I was reading through "Financial Turmoil - In Europe and the United States," by George Soros, it is a collection of many of his editorial pieces on economic philosophy and his concepts of what should have been done or what to do, basically in real-time dates during and after the 2008 US Economic Crash and then the following crisis in the Eurozone.
In one of his articles he duly noted the mistakes made by the EU formation.
He indicated that in the future at some time there would be a crisis, such as the one which occurred and at that point, nations of the EU would agree to an EU Central Bank with the ultimate authority, one which could issue debt and have control over all banks of all nations.
In the beginning they put together a plan everyone could agree upon, figuring that they could do that much at that time, then wait until the inevitable and use that crisis as an opportunity - sound familiar yet? It should, how about ObamaCare or Rahm Emanuel's quote; "never let a crisis go to waste" when talking about taking the political advantage, and the mannerism in which it was stated sounded like something straight out of Machiavelli's "Prince".
I think the American People have been had, and this was a tricky way to sink the US economy, or bring us to the point of socialism, where our Middle Class has been broken and people are begging for the government to save them.
The government, no government, can save you, if you are a human - your biological mission is to be born, procreate and die.
No government is going to save you from that, nor will government mandated health insurance purchases save you.
It might help prolong your personal demise and inevitable future, but no one has ever gotten out alive, not in human history minus the resurrection stories passed down in many cultures, those 'Jesus-like' tales, that all cultures past and present seem to have.
But people are so desperate in that regard, after all self-preservation is at the near pinnacle of human desires and needs (cite: Maslow).
If Obama's handlers are planning a long-term overtaking of our free-market system for their version of a future socialist utopia, then all this begins to make perfect sense.
No the outcome for Obama's legacy isn't going to go so well, but he will have served his usefulness in bringing the government to a place needed for the next step.
Look, this isn't conspiracy theory, this is just paralleling what the EU planners and architects set out to do when forming the EU, how they've progressed, and how their plan looks to be paying off - and then overlaying those strategies on what's happening in the US now with ObamaCare.
It's not even a stretch of the imagination really.
The funny thing is, people actually voted for this nonsense, but they are quickly seeing that it isn't working, and they will beg government to fix it, and someone will step up and fix it alright.
What's that famous quote in diplomacy; "the art of letting someone else (the voters in this case) get your way.
" Think about it.
Yes, that is one way to take down the power of the USA, slowly, turn us into a meek socialist nation rather than a powerful free-market capitalist nation with abundance, but somehow I think any such plan would be flawed.
Americans love their freedom you see - and in the end - socialism doesn't work anyway, so, it's just a bad idea.
If anyone who thinks they are some brilliant socialist philosopher wants to debate me, bring it, because, I am undeterred in my understanding of the a nature of things regardless of the area of human endeavor.
I challenge all comers to debate.
In one of his articles he duly noted the mistakes made by the EU formation.
He indicated that in the future at some time there would be a crisis, such as the one which occurred and at that point, nations of the EU would agree to an EU Central Bank with the ultimate authority, one which could issue debt and have control over all banks of all nations.
In the beginning they put together a plan everyone could agree upon, figuring that they could do that much at that time, then wait until the inevitable and use that crisis as an opportunity - sound familiar yet? It should, how about ObamaCare or Rahm Emanuel's quote; "never let a crisis go to waste" when talking about taking the political advantage, and the mannerism in which it was stated sounded like something straight out of Machiavelli's "Prince".
I think the American People have been had, and this was a tricky way to sink the US economy, or bring us to the point of socialism, where our Middle Class has been broken and people are begging for the government to save them.
The government, no government, can save you, if you are a human - your biological mission is to be born, procreate and die.
No government is going to save you from that, nor will government mandated health insurance purchases save you.
It might help prolong your personal demise and inevitable future, but no one has ever gotten out alive, not in human history minus the resurrection stories passed down in many cultures, those 'Jesus-like' tales, that all cultures past and present seem to have.
But people are so desperate in that regard, after all self-preservation is at the near pinnacle of human desires and needs (cite: Maslow).
If Obama's handlers are planning a long-term overtaking of our free-market system for their version of a future socialist utopia, then all this begins to make perfect sense.
No the outcome for Obama's legacy isn't going to go so well, but he will have served his usefulness in bringing the government to a place needed for the next step.
Look, this isn't conspiracy theory, this is just paralleling what the EU planners and architects set out to do when forming the EU, how they've progressed, and how their plan looks to be paying off - and then overlaying those strategies on what's happening in the US now with ObamaCare.
It's not even a stretch of the imagination really.
The funny thing is, people actually voted for this nonsense, but they are quickly seeing that it isn't working, and they will beg government to fix it, and someone will step up and fix it alright.
What's that famous quote in diplomacy; "the art of letting someone else (the voters in this case) get your way.
" Think about it.
Yes, that is one way to take down the power of the USA, slowly, turn us into a meek socialist nation rather than a powerful free-market capitalist nation with abundance, but somehow I think any such plan would be flawed.
Americans love their freedom you see - and in the end - socialism doesn't work anyway, so, it's just a bad idea.
If anyone who thinks they are some brilliant socialist philosopher wants to debate me, bring it, because, I am undeterred in my understanding of the a nature of things regardless of the area of human endeavor.
I challenge all comers to debate.