Class Reunion Planning Ideas
- Contact your alma mater. Your school may have an alumni contact list that you can use to locate old classmates. Ask whether the school has a budget that helps fund class reunions. Find out if there has been any interest expressed with helping with the upcoming class reunion. See if you can have contact information for old teachers or professors. Invite them to your reunion.
- Set up a website on which you can place all updates in connection with the reunion. Dedicate a section of the website to collecting contact information for your classmates. Request that classmates share information about spouses, children and careers. If your class has someone who is now building websites, ask if she will build the website for you.
- Form committees. Having help will make the process of planning the reunion less stressful and more enjoyable. Make sure that your committees include people from more than one group of friends. Assign a committee to look for a venue. Have another handle food and refreshments. Put another committee in charge of RSVPs and counting the numbers of people attending. Have another in charge of a class gift. One committee should be in charge of brokering deals with local hotels and car rental companies for your reunion weekend.
- Write a letter to your class. Send it all the classmates for whom you have contact information. Email those you can. Making a personal effort to contact members of your class will give you a larger turnout for the reunion.
- Create a video that chronicles your time in school as well as the years leading up to the reunion. Ask classmates for pictures of your school years. Intermix these pictures with pictures of the interim years. Include pictures of children, vacations, weddings, graduations and other events. Accompany these pictures with a soundtrack and show the video at the reunion. Have the video available for your classmates to purchase. The money can be used to pay the costs of the reunion. If you went to a private school or the reunion is for college, you could use the money for a scholarship fund.
- Open a bank account for reunion costs. Ask classmates to contribute. Keep a log of what is used and for what purposes.
Contact School
Mail and Email
Then and Now
Bank Account