Weight Loss - Top 3 Secrets For Losing Weight and Keeping it Off
Weight loss! We obsess over this topic.
We lose sleep worrying about our weight.
We make ourselves miserable fretting over what other people think about our weight.
This topic can be a great source of stress for us.
But it can also be a great source of self confidence and pleasure if we effectively manage our weight.
How would you feel knowing that you had a great body? How would it feel to look forward to visits to the pool, hot tub, or beach (knowing that everyone will see you in your bathing suit)? Learn these weight loss secrets and then master them.
You will not only find yourself managing your weight.
You find that you will have greater control over your life! Secret #1 - There are no secrets.
Stop looking for the magic pill that will make you skinny and toned.
It does not exist.
Weight loss and management comes down to hard work, self control and the simple formula of eating less and exercising more.
Secret #2 - Nutrition.
Weight management is more about what you put into your body than how much you exercise.
Do you know anybody that seems to exercise all the time but still appears to be overweight? I'm sure we all know several people that fit that description.
To effectively manage your weight you must burn more calories than you consume.
Let me put something into perspective.
It might take you less than 30 seconds to drink a soda or eat your favorite snack.
Yet, it might take you as long as 30-60 minutes of exercise to burn off the calories you consumed in less than 30 seconds! If you want to manage your weight, it is so much easier to just NOT eat something than to exercise it off.
There are countless books, diets, and nutrition programs out there that seem to all say the same thing.
Don't binge or overeat.
Eliminate simple sugars from your diet.
Consume a balance of healthy carbohydrates and protein with each meal.
Eat several smaller meals per day for a constant supply of sustained energy.
Drink plenty of water, etc.
Secret #3 - Exercise.
As I already mentioned, to effectively manage your weight you must burn more calories than you consume.
Find some kind of exercise plan that you can stick to and follow consistently.
Include some form of resistance training along with cardiovascular exercise.
Your exercise regime should include building lean muscle tissue because your muscles are fat burning machines.
The more lean muscle tissue you have, the more body fat you burn while you sleep or relax in front of the television.
Stop looking for a secret shortcut to weight management.
Discipline yourself to follow an exercise and nutrition plan.
Weight management is actually very simple in concept, but that doesn't make it easy.
But it can become easier as you realize that weight control is really about self control.
Follow these tips and never sacrifice what you want most for what you want at the moment.
Good luck and be sure to consult with your doctor or trusted medical professional before starting any new weight loss plan.
We lose sleep worrying about our weight.
We make ourselves miserable fretting over what other people think about our weight.
This topic can be a great source of stress for us.
But it can also be a great source of self confidence and pleasure if we effectively manage our weight.
How would you feel knowing that you had a great body? How would it feel to look forward to visits to the pool, hot tub, or beach (knowing that everyone will see you in your bathing suit)? Learn these weight loss secrets and then master them.
You will not only find yourself managing your weight.
You find that you will have greater control over your life! Secret #1 - There are no secrets.
Stop looking for the magic pill that will make you skinny and toned.
It does not exist.
Weight loss and management comes down to hard work, self control and the simple formula of eating less and exercising more.
Secret #2 - Nutrition.
Weight management is more about what you put into your body than how much you exercise.
Do you know anybody that seems to exercise all the time but still appears to be overweight? I'm sure we all know several people that fit that description.
To effectively manage your weight you must burn more calories than you consume.
Let me put something into perspective.
It might take you less than 30 seconds to drink a soda or eat your favorite snack.
Yet, it might take you as long as 30-60 minutes of exercise to burn off the calories you consumed in less than 30 seconds! If you want to manage your weight, it is so much easier to just NOT eat something than to exercise it off.
There are countless books, diets, and nutrition programs out there that seem to all say the same thing.
Don't binge or overeat.
Eliminate simple sugars from your diet.
Consume a balance of healthy carbohydrates and protein with each meal.
Eat several smaller meals per day for a constant supply of sustained energy.
Drink plenty of water, etc.
Secret #3 - Exercise.
As I already mentioned, to effectively manage your weight you must burn more calories than you consume.
Find some kind of exercise plan that you can stick to and follow consistently.
Include some form of resistance training along with cardiovascular exercise.
Your exercise regime should include building lean muscle tissue because your muscles are fat burning machines.
The more lean muscle tissue you have, the more body fat you burn while you sleep or relax in front of the television.
Stop looking for a secret shortcut to weight management.
Discipline yourself to follow an exercise and nutrition plan.
Weight management is actually very simple in concept, but that doesn't make it easy.
But it can become easier as you realize that weight control is really about self control.
Follow these tips and never sacrifice what you want most for what you want at the moment.
Good luck and be sure to consult with your doctor or trusted medical professional before starting any new weight loss plan.