End of the Year - Time to Set Goals and Clear the Cache for Online Article Writers
As the most prolific online article writer in the history of mankind, I have often been asked when is enough? When will you stop writing articles, well right now, writing articles is my default setting and it is set at about 10-50 articles per day, depending on whatever else is going on in my life.
Still, those who ask these questions have my best interests in mind.
And 2008 is here now and so I have to discharge some of the articles that I have not written yet and put off so far.
There is no sense in denying the fact that these article titles below are just never going to happen.
It's not that I can't write these articles, I easily could, but I want to keep writing fun and do not wish to force myself to write them.
However, they are indeed, articles that the public needs and so I am offering these article titles to you, as maybe you might have something to say on these subjects and may wish to turn keyboard to screen and get them done on your own accord.
Below are the articles, I am not going to write:
I want you to think about this for a moment, what do you have on your plate that you know you will never do in 2008? Maybe it's time you cleared your plate and set a new course for the future.
Still, those who ask these questions have my best interests in mind.
And 2008 is here now and so I have to discharge some of the articles that I have not written yet and put off so far.
There is no sense in denying the fact that these article titles below are just never going to happen.
It's not that I can't write these articles, I easily could, but I want to keep writing fun and do not wish to force myself to write them.
However, they are indeed, articles that the public needs and so I am offering these article titles to you, as maybe you might have something to say on these subjects and may wish to turn keyboard to screen and get them done on your own accord.
Below are the articles, I am not going to write:
- 2008 Laptop Battery Software - Know Exactly How Much Time You Have When You Start Your Computer
- 2008 Solar Powered Wheelchairs - What About Solar Powered Cars?
- The Collective is Dangerous - It Wants to Steal Your Identity, Ego and Self - Do Not Submit
- 2008 Cell Phone Records to Find Influenza Outbreaks
- 2008 Foreclosures Increasing by 1% - Increases Crime by Two and a Third Percent
- In 2008 I Want a WiFi Skateboard with an iPod and iPhone Option - And I Want it Now!
- Trusting the Terrible Toxicity of Transferring Terabytes that Transcend your Terminal in 2008
- In 2008 - The Religion of Collectivism is the Most Dangerous of All Known Movements
- Stocking the Shelves in the Middle of the Night Stoned Out of their Mind Until 2009
- In 2008 Do a Little Less Talking, a Little More Walking and a Few Less Excuses - You'll Be Fine
- 2008 Bingo Behavior and Competitive Chaos - The Secret Side of Senior Citizens
- She Despised People with Egos - I Worry About People Without
- Community business lack of integrity gets around fast, on the internet scum can last for years.
- In 2008 Your Personality is Great use it with Honor and Without Debate!
- Recession Proofing a Nation Using Franchising, Small Business Solutions and Entrepreneurial Training in 2008
- If the Mass Mobs Screws Up Everything in 2008 - Why Are We Rushing to Collective Idiocy?
- Are You Pulling Strings, Influencing Puppets or Leading the Field - Concentrate in 2008
- Why Are You Trying to Convince Me That I am Not Open Minded - Look in Your Own Mirror
- 2008 Grassroots Political Campaigns - Don't Forget Bingo Night - Bring Prizes!
- UGVs and ROVs to Fight Fires Remotely - The Future is Here
- Futurist Website or Just the Latest Current Technologies and Innovations in Science?
- Is the Young Policeman's Ego Getting them Into Trouble with the Collective Citizen's Perception?
- How Can We Make the Human Collective Computer Smarter than all Humans and All Computers?
- Hiding From Yourself - The Easiest Person to Avoid
- Collective Intelligence or Collective Stupidity?
- The Difference Between a Story, Work, Piece, Article, Column, Book, Editorial and Novel
- You Should Fear Those Who Fear You Most of All
- Individual to Collective - If I am Not Important, then Stop Asking Me Questions and Bothering Me
- Writers On Strike for More Money Spend their Days Off Writing for Free
- A Dead Zone is Not a Place Where Paris Hilton's Cell Phone Doesn't Work
- 2008 Oil Change and Fast Lube Industry - Challenges Ahead
- What if US Consumers are Paying $4 per gallon in 2008
- Was Your Small Business Less profitable in 2007 or 2006 - What About 2008?
- 2008 Oil Change and Fast Lube - State of Industry Predictions
- 2008 Auto Industry and Related predictions
- Lack of Respect Does Not = Hate - Just Like Tolerance Does Not Equal Acceptance
- God Bless the Weather, Tropical Storms, Global Warming and the TV Ratings
- The Universe is All in Your Eyes - What an Organic Engineering Marvel?
- Big Bang Believers Need to Re-Think Reality in Relation to this Dimensional Realm
- Who Do You Think You Are - Human or Something?
- Steroids for the Brain - It is Already a Huge Problem
- Trying to Sell Real Estate in a Buyers Market
- Could The US Army Hit the Skids Due to a Budget Crisis?
- UN Chief Needs to Resign; He Says Confront Global Warming or Face in Oblivion?
- It's the End of Advertising as We Know It - And I Feel Fine!
I want you to think about this for a moment, what do you have on your plate that you know you will never do in 2008? Maybe it's time you cleared your plate and set a new course for the future.