How to Measure My Body Fat
How Many Calories Do I Need per Day? It is not difficult to figure out how many calories per day you need to lose weight or maintain your weight.
If you follow the formula explained in this article you will have an opportunity to easily track your weight balance and get an appropriate advice regarding daily routine to achieve your best goals.
There are two formulas based on your sex which also contain other figures such as age, height, weight, lean body mass, and activity level.
Being detailed each formula is designed to define most accurate results on your lean body mass (LBM).
Quick & Easy LMB Calculator Maintenance 15 - 16 calories per lb.
of bodyweight Weight Gain 18 - 19 calories per lb.
of bodyweight Fat Loss 12 - 13 calories per lb.
of bodyweight This formula is a very easy way to calculate your calories.
Remember, there are some drawbacks to a method like this because it doesn't take into account your body composition or physical activity level.
Extremely active people (fitness or bodybuilders) may need more calories per day than this formula indicates which means that people with a high amount of lean body mass need more calories (more food or supplements) as their total daily energy expenditure (TDDE) is also higher.
Those who have high level of fat shall be cautious to evaluate a reasonable need of calories versus energy consumption daily.
Example: a 50 year old man who weights 224 lbs at 38% will probably not burn fat on 2925 calories per day (224 x 13 for fat loss), as this is too difficult issue that risks to lead to frustration.
How Do I Measure My Body Fat? In fact, there are several ways to estimate it.
You can purchase a set of calipers and do this test at home.
The body fat test is almost as accurate as the methods described above and it's really cheap.
The test is quite accurate for the body fat range of 15-35%.
It is strongly recommended for lean individuals and those who have a fat range over 35% shall trust more in other methods that are more useful and profitable to their type of the body.
Body Fat Formula for Women Factor 1 (Total body weight x 0.
732) + 8.
987 Factor 2 Wrist measurement (at fullest point) / 3.
140 Factor 3 Waist measurement (at naval) x 0.
157 Factor 4 Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.
249 Factor 5 Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.
434 Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 + Factor 2 -Factor 3 - Factor 4 + Factor 5 Body Fat Weight = Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass Body Fat Percentage = (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight Body Fat Formula for Men Factor 1 (Total body weight x 1.
082) + 94.
42 Factor 2 Waist measurement x 4.
15 Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 - Factor 2 Body Fat Weight = Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass Body Fat Percentage = (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight Besides the accuracy of the test, it is fast, simple and very cheap as mentioned previously.
Why to measure your body? To determine and follow the progress.
A simple and accurate set of calipers will definitely help you.
And you can repeat it countless times as long as it satisfies your goals.
If you follow the formula explained in this article you will have an opportunity to easily track your weight balance and get an appropriate advice regarding daily routine to achieve your best goals.
There are two formulas based on your sex which also contain other figures such as age, height, weight, lean body mass, and activity level.
Being detailed each formula is designed to define most accurate results on your lean body mass (LBM).
Quick & Easy LMB Calculator Maintenance 15 - 16 calories per lb.
of bodyweight Weight Gain 18 - 19 calories per lb.
of bodyweight Fat Loss 12 - 13 calories per lb.
of bodyweight This formula is a very easy way to calculate your calories.
Remember, there are some drawbacks to a method like this because it doesn't take into account your body composition or physical activity level.
Extremely active people (fitness or bodybuilders) may need more calories per day than this formula indicates which means that people with a high amount of lean body mass need more calories (more food or supplements) as their total daily energy expenditure (TDDE) is also higher.
Those who have high level of fat shall be cautious to evaluate a reasonable need of calories versus energy consumption daily.
Example: a 50 year old man who weights 224 lbs at 38% will probably not burn fat on 2925 calories per day (224 x 13 for fat loss), as this is too difficult issue that risks to lead to frustration.
How Do I Measure My Body Fat? In fact, there are several ways to estimate it.
- Underwater Weighing
- Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis
- Body Fat Scales (BIA) and Hang Grip Tests
- Circumference & Anthropometric
- Skin fold Measurements like "The Pinch Test"
- Other
- More Complicated Methods
You can purchase a set of calipers and do this test at home.
The body fat test is almost as accurate as the methods described above and it's really cheap.
The test is quite accurate for the body fat range of 15-35%.
It is strongly recommended for lean individuals and those who have a fat range over 35% shall trust more in other methods that are more useful and profitable to their type of the body.
Body Fat Formula for Women Factor 1 (Total body weight x 0.
732) + 8.
987 Factor 2 Wrist measurement (at fullest point) / 3.
140 Factor 3 Waist measurement (at naval) x 0.
157 Factor 4 Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.
249 Factor 5 Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.
434 Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 + Factor 2 -Factor 3 - Factor 4 + Factor 5 Body Fat Weight = Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass Body Fat Percentage = (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight Body Fat Formula for Men Factor 1 (Total body weight x 1.
082) + 94.
42 Factor 2 Waist measurement x 4.
15 Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 - Factor 2 Body Fat Weight = Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass Body Fat Percentage = (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight Besides the accuracy of the test, it is fast, simple and very cheap as mentioned previously.
Why to measure your body? To determine and follow the progress.
A simple and accurate set of calipers will definitely help you.
And you can repeat it countless times as long as it satisfies your goals.