How to Make Broadheads Fit on Wooden Arrows
- 1). Determine the type of broadhead you're using. A screw-in broadhead will have a threaded shank, while a glue-on broadhead will have a wide, flat shank or a socket.
- 2). Determine the diameter of your arrow shaft at the point end. This is usually measured in fractional parts of an inch, but can also be done metrically.
- 3). For a screw-in point, you'll need to use an adapter. Sand the end of the arrow until the adapter fits snugly into place, then attach it using a drop or two of hot glue.
- 4). For a glue-on broadhead, determine whether it has a socket or a flat shank. A socketed head can often simply be slipped onto the arrow and attached with a couple drops of glue, though you may need to sand the arrow shaft a bit to make it fit into the socket properly. A flat shanked head requires that you cut a slot into the wood to attach it. You can improve its performance by wrapping it with silk thread or split sinew thread in addition to gluing it.