How to Find Driving Conditions
- 1). Watch a local television news broadcast. Local stations often couple a weather forecast with the current driving conditions in your area, especially during rush hour periods in the morning and evening.
- 2). Visit the ( homepage. Enter your destination points inside the text boxes at the top of the homepage. Click "Go." A brief description of the current driving conditions for your trip appears on the next page. The description includes the distance, estimated travel time, roadwork or construction and traffic congestion in that area.
- 3). Go to the National Traffic and Road Closure Information page on the Federal Highway Administration ( website. A map of the United States is on the homepage. Click on your state to bring up a new page that contains links for popular roadways and major cities. Choose one of the links to find driving conditions, including construction reports, traffic and current weather for that particular roadway or city.
- 4). Dial "511" on your home or cell phone. The "511" service offers automated traffic updates for your region. The reports update at least once an hour or whenever a noteworthy event, such as an accident, occurs. Listen carefully to the options after you've dialed "511," as the categories vary per location.