Normally direct mail and bulk mail E-mail compete favorably with similar cost outlay.
The purpose of this article is to evaluate which is the superior means of media.
Is it sending out insurance direct mail? If not can it produce better final figures through Emailing insurance producers.
Using industry figures provides a clear winner.
HOW MUCH INSURANCE EMAILING GETS READ? Highly accurate tracking examines the wide percentage differences between industries.
40% of emails sent by non-profit organizations, manufacturing, government, religion and art get opened here.
The readership slips 1/4th to 30% for education, health issues, retail enterprises, and photography.
Now check this out.
Here is where emails being read slips to a dismal rate of only 20% for e-commerce, publishing, media advertising, technology, and INSURANCE.
HOW INSURANCE MAIL GETS OPENED & READ For an oversized postcard, or a letter in an envelope, these two formats perform the best.
If the list is not highly selective, and the message is average, the rate will be 14%.
Using a professionally quality targeted insurance direct mail list jumps the figures.
Also a better letter covering all the key areas factors into this.
Now you have a readership percentage between 20% to 25%.
Using insurance email lists are very risky.
You never see the list of who is being mailed.
It does you no good if an Allstate agent, or licensed home office person receives your email.
Their curiosity got them to partially read your message.
Therefore, the actual figure would be lowered to at least 15%.
Now this figure also assumes all the people receiving the message are 100% insurance agents.
Something we have Never seen in a list promoted on the internet, with a guarantee.
NICHE MARKET Annuity, health, and life products sold by agents currently are an overlooked internet niche market.
Agents are only interested in selling additional products when it directly benefits them financially.
However, only 20% of insurance marketers and recruiters have a personal website.
Of these only half, have their site designed solely for the purpose of attracting new agents.
This creates a frustrating situation for an agent seeking a product provided by a qualified marketer.
Therefore, the internet as a viable source can be eliminated.
This leaves insurance direct mail and insurance agent emailing as the top contenders.
Emailing projects reach 14 to 15% of your list being read by some kind of agent.
Utilizing direct mail increases the readability to 20 to 25% when using a quality agent list.
COMPARE THE LEAD TO COST FACTOR With all expenses combined it averages costing $35.
00 to produce a targeted insurance agent lead.
In turn, applying similar comparisons to the emailed agents, shows a $45.
00 each cost figure for an email insurance agent lead.
EXAMINE THE CONTRACTING RATIO With any style email agent leads, a good contract ratio of 1/3 means you have excellent recruiting skills.
Using pre-qualified agent leads from your insurance direct mail show bump up the results.
Comparatively it should be 50%.
Doing the math on 24 leads, emailing costs $835.
00 This same quantity of 24 leads equates to $840.
00 on direct mail.
Know that it is the agent contracts that ready count.
You should receive 8 contracted producers with email.
For direct mail that zooms to 12 agents.
Increasing your results by 33% or reducing your money outlay by 33% is great news to successful agent recruiters.
When results increase by 1/3, so does your income.
Don't you deserve a raise?
The purpose of this article is to evaluate which is the superior means of media.
Is it sending out insurance direct mail? If not can it produce better final figures through Emailing insurance producers.
Using industry figures provides a clear winner.
HOW MUCH INSURANCE EMAILING GETS READ? Highly accurate tracking examines the wide percentage differences between industries.
40% of emails sent by non-profit organizations, manufacturing, government, religion and art get opened here.
The readership slips 1/4th to 30% for education, health issues, retail enterprises, and photography.
Now check this out.
Here is where emails being read slips to a dismal rate of only 20% for e-commerce, publishing, media advertising, technology, and INSURANCE.
HOW INSURANCE MAIL GETS OPENED & READ For an oversized postcard, or a letter in an envelope, these two formats perform the best.
If the list is not highly selective, and the message is average, the rate will be 14%.
Using a professionally quality targeted insurance direct mail list jumps the figures.
Also a better letter covering all the key areas factors into this.
Now you have a readership percentage between 20% to 25%.
Using insurance email lists are very risky.
You never see the list of who is being mailed.
It does you no good if an Allstate agent, or licensed home office person receives your email.
Their curiosity got them to partially read your message.
Therefore, the actual figure would be lowered to at least 15%.
Now this figure also assumes all the people receiving the message are 100% insurance agents.
Something we have Never seen in a list promoted on the internet, with a guarantee.
NICHE MARKET Annuity, health, and life products sold by agents currently are an overlooked internet niche market.
Agents are only interested in selling additional products when it directly benefits them financially.
However, only 20% of insurance marketers and recruiters have a personal website.
Of these only half, have their site designed solely for the purpose of attracting new agents.
This creates a frustrating situation for an agent seeking a product provided by a qualified marketer.
Therefore, the internet as a viable source can be eliminated.
This leaves insurance direct mail and insurance agent emailing as the top contenders.
Emailing projects reach 14 to 15% of your list being read by some kind of agent.
Utilizing direct mail increases the readability to 20 to 25% when using a quality agent list.
COMPARE THE LEAD TO COST FACTOR With all expenses combined it averages costing $35.
00 to produce a targeted insurance agent lead.
In turn, applying similar comparisons to the emailed agents, shows a $45.
00 each cost figure for an email insurance agent lead.
EXAMINE THE CONTRACTING RATIO With any style email agent leads, a good contract ratio of 1/3 means you have excellent recruiting skills.
Using pre-qualified agent leads from your insurance direct mail show bump up the results.
Comparatively it should be 50%.
Doing the math on 24 leads, emailing costs $835.
00 This same quantity of 24 leads equates to $840.
00 on direct mail.
Know that it is the agent contracts that ready count.
You should receive 8 contracted producers with email.
For direct mail that zooms to 12 agents.
Increasing your results by 33% or reducing your money outlay by 33% is great news to successful agent recruiters.
When results increase by 1/3, so does your income.
Don't you deserve a raise?