Help With Credit Card Debt
- Earning more income may provide a solution to credit card debt. Present income isn't always enough to pay down balances. In addition, sometimes consumers don't earn enough to make a living and they use credit cards to compensate. Increasing income can prove challenging. However, looking for new employment opportunities, asking for a raise or taking part-time work can provide the additional income necessary to pay down credit card debt.
- Spending less and putting additional cash in savings can also help with credit card debt. Spending less results in having more cash and using credit cards less for purchases. The money saved from eating out less, shopping less and entertaining less can help bring down balances, if applied to credit card debt. Tracking spending habits for an entire month can provide information on where your money goes. Pay for necessary expenses, but cut out the unnecessary expenses until you've paid down your balances.
- Credit card debt balances will not go down if you continue to use your cards. Frequent use is okay if you plan to pay off balances in full each month. However, if unable to pay off balances, put away your cards and use cash to avoid excessive debt. Using cash may require postponing purchases until you've saved the money. It helps to remove your cards from your purse or wallet. Do not apply for new credit cards and do not close credit card accounts. Closing accounts can reduce the length of your credit history and possibly reduce your personal rating.
- Frequent higher payments can put a dent in your credit card balances and eliminate the debt faster. You can begin with doubling your minimums each month or, if you come into a lump sum of money, use the cash to eliminate debt. Paying only the minimum slows down the debt elimination process.
- Pay less interest on your credit card and pay down the debt faster. Talk to your credit card company after reviewing your present interest rate. Ask them for a rate reduction. This request helps debt elimination because the less interest you pay each month, the quicker you're able to pay down your credit card.
Increase Personal Income
Save More
Limit Credit Card Use
Additional Payments
Discuss Interest Rates