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How to Kill a Corporatocracy in Three Easy Steps

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Corporatocracies, like vampires, are devilishly difficult to kill unless you know exactly how to do it. The chances of putting together a garland of garlic, wooden stakes, and holy water as a sure fire method of dealing with vampires beggars the imagination, and is a bit like solving a Rubric's cube on the first try. Sure, it can be done, but whoever invented the garland of garlic, the wooden stake, and the holy water vampire removal combination really should be posthumously awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.

Now The Corporatocracy, the integrated one that entirely runs the American government and that has enslaved every single person now owed like a piece of industrial machinery in The United Plantation Corporation Nation, is really a bugger to take down. But, just like vampires who need to crawl into their boxes filled with grave dirt at the coming of dawn, corporatocracies have an Achilles heel that can be exploited, and just like the simple combination of unlikely elements that empower mortals in dispatching the undead and sending them headlong into the pit of oblivion, a remarkably simple solution to kill the blood sucking vampire known as The Corporatocracy exists.

Before we get into the process, we need just a bit of back story so we understand how The Corporatocracy was created in the first place. "Back story" is what movie people call the literary device that explains how the characters or situational history bears upon the main narrative being told. The "back story" of The Corporatocracy begins about ten thousand years ago when humans began experimenting with simple grasses that produced what are now known as cereal grains. These experiments are what are now known as "agriculture."  Agricultural pursuits permitted a surplus of food to be produced, whereas before, during the period known as "hunting and gathering" little surplus was created. Populations began to increase with this increase in food supply until the size of the groups, which were before little more than extended families, began to require increasingly sophisticated social organization. Thus was born the hierarchy, a stratified social order.

This surplus began simply enough as a buffer between starvation and plenty, but eventually, the surplus begat its own surplus and there arose a surplus surplus, in a manner of speaking. Because this had never occurred before in the entire history of human development, the humans engaged in the production of this surplus surplus at first stood over the surplus surplus scratching their collective heads, kicking small stones absent-mindedly, triying in vain to understand what to do with it all. Because of this surplus, and because society became socially stratified, there arose a small group in the human family now known as the "nobility," because the "nobility" began magnanimously calling themselves this word. The "nobility" stood over the surplus surplus with the other humans, and in yet another gesture of magnanimity and generosity of spirit, they relieved the other humans of the grisly and ponderous task of allocating the surplus by allocating it to themselves. Through the balancing action of antonym, the remainder of the other humans were known by the nobility as the "peasantry."

Yadda, yadda, yadda, so on and so forth. Now, sometime along the way a more organized system of surplus allocation was devised, and this began to be known as "capitalism." Capitalism is yet another economic system created by the nobility that, not surprisingly, created surplus money in the production of goods and services, and, naturally enough, in continuation of the magnanimous efforts of their forebears, it was again decided that this surplus should be awarded to, again, guess who? Because capitalists were so efficient at constructing an industrial machine using the bodies of the peasantry as the carbon-based industrial machinery to run their machine, and because the capitalists magnanimously denied humane working conditions for their industrial machinery, some ungrateful ne'r do wells began organizing themselves into larger units, or collectives, as a counterbalance to the unbounded generosity those early capitalists showered upon themselves. From this collectivizing something known as "communism" arose as a direct consequence of and reaction against the inhumane conditions created by capitalism, the swaddled and cooing vampire baby that would grow up to become The United Plantation Corporation Nation, otherwise known as The Corporatocracy, the integrated, interconnected system of domination and control that owns the government as well as you.

Communism, like capitalism, believed the surplus created by the society should be awarded to another sector of society, and unlike the evil capitalists to whom they were in opposition, awarded it to the technocrats and political apparatchiks at the top of the social order, more or less exactly as capitalists did, except that communists wore different kinds of suits. Like capitalists, communists continually taught the peasantry that theirs was the most superior economic system ever devised, not surprisingly by the power hungry, self-aggrandizing slave masters themselves in an attempt to hypnotize the peasantry into accepting having the surplus of the products of their labor spent on bombs and other kinds of junk no one really needs in order to be safe from the rapacious capitalists, allocating the surplus of their own workers in the making of bombs and other junk they didn't really need either. This arrangement of mutually assured stupidity and peasantry ownership became known as "détente,' in the language of the day.

A third surplus allocation scheme developed that tried to split the hairs between capitalism and communism, and this middle way became known as "socialism," an economic construct that takes the surplus away from the capitalists and the collectivists which is then passed through an enormous governmental filter, the purpose of which is to create conditions so that university students can sleep during the daylight hours after throwing stones and fireballs nightly at police to protest cuts in their share of the reallocation. The rich don't like it, the poor don't like it, and the middle classes don't like it, which means it probably works about as well as any economic system yet devised.

Enough back story here. We have a Corporatocracy to kill. As children, we were told about a special place known as a "bank," a place where hard-working, honest men and women brought their hard-earned pittances to be watched over by hard-working, honest men known as "bankers," who made certain bad men would not steal the hard-earned pittance hard-working men and women made that was not taxed or removed as surplus by the bankers and their cronies sitting on everyone's backs. Then, when we became all grown up to be adults, we learn that "banks" are places where there are bad men who steal our hard-earned pittances by charging us money to use our own money, and when they haven't enough of our hard-earned pittances to satisfy themselves, ask their cronies to steal even more of our hard-earned pittances in what is called a "bailout."

Naturally, the peasantry is unsettled by this arrangement and does what any heroic group of sterilized and domesticated animals do when they are sheared of their fleeces or skimmed of their creams. They moo and they bah. Here a moo, there a bah, everywhere a moo bah. And then they lower their heads and resume their appointed rounds growing fleeces and producing creams for the next cycle.

Now, curiously, there exists another form of the word "bank" and this is called a "credit union," and is curious in that it is exactly like a bank, with a vault for money, and bankers and such, except that instead of being a for-profit corporation that enrich a few wealthy families already a-swimming in our money, a credit union is a non-profit, democratically held, cooperatively owned financial institution that lends money at reasonable rates of interest, promotes thrift, and protects pittances from bad men that would steal it from us all. Whereas the average "bank" has assets somewhere in the range of $1.5 billion USD, the average credit union, another bank just down the road, has an average asset of just south of $100 million USD. Some banks, such as the Bank of America, the third largest company in the world, have assets somewhere around $570 billion USD. This is why banks have the largest buildings of any in every city around the world. They use our money to make huge profits so they can lend us our money again at usurious rates as high as 38%, but, not content with this, ask us to give them our taxes to keep us as peasants while their owners and their good friends continue to discharge their hallowed offices of fleecing and skimming.

This is where things get really strange: Anyone can take their money out of a bank and put it in a credit union. That's right. Anyone. They can take their money out of a for-profit usurious bank, drive around the block, and put their money into a non-profit, democratically controlled and cooperatively held financial institution, and become the instruments of their own money.  This is the garland of garlic, the wooden stake, and the holy water of the entire Corporatocracy, in the creation of another economic system unlike capitalism, communism, or socialism. It is cooperativism. Beginning at the top in credit unions, and at the bottom in food co-ops, cooperativism relies upon the production of environmentally necessary goods and services created for the long-term survival of earth's human inhabitants that does not create any surplus requiring sophisticated allocation. It is a profit neutral economic arrangement.

Food co-ops are vital in establishing cooperativism, because any animal may be domesticated when its food supply is controlled, as is currently the case. The domesticated primate human is now required to acquire money as a surrogate in securing its supply of food, a kind of bio-survival chit that cannot be eaten directly. By lopping off the head of the corporatocracy at the level of banks, and by having a stable, secure food supply removed from the control of large corporations who produce industrial food by industrializing the landscape and the environment, people become the instruments of their own money, and participate in the production of their own food security. Beginning at the top and the bottom simultaneously, cooperativism quickly begins to occupy greater and greater portions of the productive capacity of the economy in economic structures that behave as though human beings were in charge of them rather than soulless hordes of the undead.

The entire collapse of the entire banking system is accomplished in three simple steps. In step one, depositors withdrawal the majority of their monies from their bank and deposit these monies into a credit union. A national credit union does not exist, just as a nationally distributed bank did not exist at one point. Step one begins the process of establishing one. The small portion of money remaining in the bank is left to use the bank for its widely available ATM and branch convenience in the interim leading to step two. Step one is particularly satisfying, because it allows us to use banks even while we are in the process of killing them off.

Step two occurs when banks begin closing their branch offices due to the massive outflow of assets from their for-profit usurious companies, the buildings of which are then reoccupied by the now larger, more robust credit union system that can now begin interconnecting with other credit unions and issuing debit and credit cards of their own, the difference being that these are, again, non-profit, democratically controlled and cooperatively held financial institutions rather than organizations established and run by the spawn and the minions of Satan.

In step three, banks cease to exist as credit unions take over every function now performed by the private, for-profit corporation presently in business, including the function of the Federal Reserve. What this brings is essentially an internal coup d'etat carried out in three simple, nonviolent steps. Just as vampires require a blood meal for their sustenance, banks and their corporate overlords require our money. By removing the blood supply, the usurious money vampires we refer to as banks and bankers are sent into the everlasting void of nonexistence.

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