APA Format Recommendations - A Recommended Handbook
In the early parts of the 1900's, the American Psychological Association created and established the now-called APA writing format.
The APA format features a series of writing guidelines that writers can follow to promote formality, consistency, and convenience in reading.
Usually, the APA format is the writing style that students and writers in the fields of psychology, education, and social sciences prefer than other writing formats.
The rules of using APA format are extremely broad so it is a little bit difficult to master.
Thus, to help you properly understand the rules of APA writing system so that you can still use it even if you do not go through extensive study of it.
Here is what you need to remember when using format: General format The document should feature an APA paper format with a one-inch margin on all of its sides while spacing will be double.
For the font face, you should not utilize complicated and fancy writing but go for the simple ones like Times New Roman.
Use font size of 10 or 12, whichever is the most appropriate or whichever your teacher required.
Make sure that the whole paper follows the APA paper format particularly the ensuring that the whole document is set in double-spaced setting.
Title page The APA title page should contain the running head, the paper's title, your complete name, as well as, the school or college you are associated with.
Prepare the APA title page in this manner: papers' title (first), your name (second), the institution you are in (third).
In addition, the title page should be centered on all sides.
Headings As to the APA headings guidelines, you need to provide a header for every page of the whole paper.
First, according to the rules of APA headings, you must also put a header even in the title page.
It would include the phrase: Running head and then the title of the pair typed in CapsLock.
APA Abstract You must also have to make an abstract section of your paper in accordance to APA abstract rules.
This section of your paper is the part where you need to provide a short summary of the content of the paper, the methods used to come up with the research, the results and the subsequent conclusions.
In accordance with APA abstract guidelines, it is advisable to use a word count from 150-250.
Parenthetical citations Parenthetical citation is also an important part of APA format.
This is a necessary thing to do in order to avoid being accused of plagiarism and at the same time, it will provide proper documentation.
The references should be enclosed in parenthesis which features the author of the book or any resource plus the date of publication.
Reference page You also have to make a Reference page where you will list all the needed requirements in connection with your sources.
It should contain the following data: the name of the author, article title, date of its publication, etc.
All quotations should be found on both the reference and the in-text citations pages.
The APA format features a series of writing guidelines that writers can follow to promote formality, consistency, and convenience in reading.
Usually, the APA format is the writing style that students and writers in the fields of psychology, education, and social sciences prefer than other writing formats.
The rules of using APA format are extremely broad so it is a little bit difficult to master.
Thus, to help you properly understand the rules of APA writing system so that you can still use it even if you do not go through extensive study of it.
Here is what you need to remember when using format: General format The document should feature an APA paper format with a one-inch margin on all of its sides while spacing will be double.
For the font face, you should not utilize complicated and fancy writing but go for the simple ones like Times New Roman.
Use font size of 10 or 12, whichever is the most appropriate or whichever your teacher required.
Make sure that the whole paper follows the APA paper format particularly the ensuring that the whole document is set in double-spaced setting.
Title page The APA title page should contain the running head, the paper's title, your complete name, as well as, the school or college you are associated with.
Prepare the APA title page in this manner: papers' title (first), your name (second), the institution you are in (third).
In addition, the title page should be centered on all sides.
Headings As to the APA headings guidelines, you need to provide a header for every page of the whole paper.
First, according to the rules of APA headings, you must also put a header even in the title page.
It would include the phrase: Running head and then the title of the pair typed in CapsLock.
APA Abstract You must also have to make an abstract section of your paper in accordance to APA abstract rules.
This section of your paper is the part where you need to provide a short summary of the content of the paper, the methods used to come up with the research, the results and the subsequent conclusions.
In accordance with APA abstract guidelines, it is advisable to use a word count from 150-250.
Parenthetical citations Parenthetical citation is also an important part of APA format.
This is a necessary thing to do in order to avoid being accused of plagiarism and at the same time, it will provide proper documentation.
The references should be enclosed in parenthesis which features the author of the book or any resource plus the date of publication.
Reference page You also have to make a Reference page where you will list all the needed requirements in connection with your sources.
It should contain the following data: the name of the author, article title, date of its publication, etc.
All quotations should be found on both the reference and the in-text citations pages.