U.s. California Introduced Lighting Update Plan
Remote areas of California, the three cities will replace the original ambient lighting to energy saving. It is including San Bernardino County Morocco Basin of Yucca Valley cities, the Sheng Bala coast of the Ge Lita and El Colorado County Tahoe Lake, which have already implement the California Energy Commission plan to promote the city to use energy efficient lighting.
Yucca Valley through the California Energy Agency of grants, the original 1000 old incandescent bulbs comprehensive change to T8 fluorescent, which not only running to become more efficient, each bulb can reduce the power consumption of 5 watts. Exit signs of the city also changed to use LED lighting to reduce power consumption and extend the life of the lamp. Urban Development Building, Community Center, City Hall, museums and centers for the elderly are carrying out this lighting upgrade plans.
The Goleta city replaces T8 fluorescent lamps for the lighting of Town Hall and the four local schools, as well as exit signs adopt LED lighting, also installed sensors to sense if someone in room. This coastal city has also installed 84 new LED lights.
The construction of the city south of Lake Tahoe in Nevada County, California also has a new T8 fluorescent lamps and LED lamps and sensor devices.
Lighting upgrade plan for the three cities is expected to save more than 380,000 kilowatt / hours of electricity a year, and to reduce 132 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in the California.
This project has been completed in 2012, mainly by the United States Energy Board based American Reinvestment Recovery Act spending allowances. The United States federal government through the California Energy Agency to grant allowance to promote small cities in the progress of energy-efficient lighting.
Now let me introduce a new creative LED design to you- The secure LED emitting doorknob
LED's unlimited potential, not only the application of the concept fixture, but also includes a variety of household conceptual design, the LED light doorknob comes from the Italian design company F.lli Razeto & Casareto, created by the the Giangiacomo Razeto and Massimo Pinto, the company's designers. Fashion design, setting adjustable color LED lights inside, controlled by a built-in wireless PIN code technology, issued 10 kinds of colors and 3 kinds of the intensity of light according to different situations, suitable for the environment of the hotels, bars and other public places, in the case of sudden power failure or fire safety. LED lights built-in wireless power system ensures that people is alleged to a safe direction in an emergency.
Yucca Valley through the California Energy Agency of grants, the original 1000 old incandescent bulbs comprehensive change to T8 fluorescent, which not only running to become more efficient, each bulb can reduce the power consumption of 5 watts. Exit signs of the city also changed to use LED lighting to reduce power consumption and extend the life of the lamp. Urban Development Building, Community Center, City Hall, museums and centers for the elderly are carrying out this lighting upgrade plans.
The Goleta city replaces T8 fluorescent lamps for the lighting of Town Hall and the four local schools, as well as exit signs adopt LED lighting, also installed sensors to sense if someone in room. This coastal city has also installed 84 new LED lights.
The construction of the city south of Lake Tahoe in Nevada County, California also has a new T8 fluorescent lamps and LED lamps and sensor devices.
Lighting upgrade plan for the three cities is expected to save more than 380,000 kilowatt / hours of electricity a year, and to reduce 132 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in the California.
This project has been completed in 2012, mainly by the United States Energy Board based American Reinvestment Recovery Act spending allowances. The United States federal government through the California Energy Agency to grant allowance to promote small cities in the progress of energy-efficient lighting.
Now let me introduce a new creative LED design to you- The secure LED emitting doorknob
LED's unlimited potential, not only the application of the concept fixture, but also includes a variety of household conceptual design, the LED light doorknob comes from the Italian design company F.lli Razeto & Casareto, created by the the Giangiacomo Razeto and Massimo Pinto, the company's designers. Fashion design, setting adjustable color LED lights inside, controlled by a built-in wireless PIN code technology, issued 10 kinds of colors and 3 kinds of the intensity of light according to different situations, suitable for the environment of the hotels, bars and other public places, in the case of sudden power failure or fire safety. LED lights built-in wireless power system ensures that people is alleged to a safe direction in an emergency.