The Average Cost of Liposuction & a Tummy Tuck
- Liposuction also referred to as lipoplasty and body contouring is an operation that uses a vacuum type device called a suction to remove body fat. Liposuction is not designed to replace diet and exercise but it can expedite the reduction of fat that fails to respond to a traditional weight reduction program.
- The cost of liposuction surgery will vary depending on how many areas of the body are treated with suction and what area of the U.S. the procedure is being performed in. The total cost of a typical three region procedure including non-surgical fees is about $8,800.
- The average cost of removing fat from the hips is $2,400, the buttocks $1,800 and the outer thigh region about $3,000. You can factor in an additional $1,600 for non-surgical fees.
- The most commonly used liposuction treatment is called tumescent liposuction. The procedure consists of your doctor injecting fluids (a combination of salt water and anesthetic) into the area that will be suctioned, causing it to harden and swell.
A small incision is made in the skin and a suction tube is inserted to remove the fat and fluids.
The average cost of tumescent liposuction varies depending on where in the U.S. it is performed and how many areas of the body are to be treated. The median price is about $5,000. - A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can remove excess skin or fat and tighten the abdominal region that may be resistant to exercise. A tummy tuck can also erase stretch marks that frequently result during pregnancy.
- As with liposuction, the cost of a tummy tuck can range significantly depending on where in the U.S. it is to be performed and the experience level of the plastic surgeon. You can expect to pay somewhere between $3,000 and $8,500.
- The cost of a tummy tuck is directly correlated to the amount of skin and fat that is to be removed. Since the procedure can be performed either in a hospital or in the surgical area of your doctor's office, the facility fee can vary considerably.
What is Liposuction?
Overall Cost of Liposuction
Breaking Down the Cost of Liposuction
Tumescent Liposuction
Tummy Tuck
Cost of Abdominoplasty
Additonal Cost Variables of Abdominoplasty