Low Blood Platelets Symptoms
- Platelets are cells in the bloodstream that assist in the clotting process. In other words, when you get a scrape or a cut, platelets rush to the site of the wound and help to stop the blood from flowing. If you have low blood platelets, your blood will not clot as easily.
- There are several underlying issues that may cause your blood platelet count to drop. For example, certain autoimmune diseases, blood poisoning, chemotherapy, or leukemia. Pregnancy can also cause your blood platelet count to drop. If you are experiencing any of these conditions in addition to the symptoms below, consider the possibility that your blood platelet count may be decreasing.
- One of the most obvious symptoms of low blood platelets is excessive external bleeding. For example, your gums or nose might spontaneously start to bleed, or a cut may continue bleeding for an abnormally long period of time. In addition, heavy bleeding during surgery may be caused by low platelets.
- If you have a low blood platelet count, you may sustain excessive bruises. In addition, you may find tiny red pinpoints on your skin (especially on the lower legs) that are a sign of superficial internal bleeding.
- Other symptoms of low blood platelets include heavy menstrual flow and blood in urine or stool. Either of these are symptoms worth mentioning to your doctor.
Effects of Low Blood Platelets
Possible Causes
Bleeding from Skin
Internal Bleeding
Other Symptoms