What Kind of Gout Medicine Can Relieve Gout Pain?
Gout pain can be very debilitating and can often restrict your movement.
How do you get rid of this pain or what kind of gout medicine should you take to get some relief? Here is a list of gout medicines to take so that you can get relief from gout pain.
A popular gout medicine used to treat gout patients is colchicines, this medicine works by restricting the function of white blood cells, they can't move from one site to another.
The patient is recommended 0.
6 mg tablet every two hours till the pain subsides.
Stop the medicine if you start feeling nauseous or have diarrhea.
This medicine also functions as a prophylactic drug, in other words it acts as a preventive medicine.
During the initial six months of treatment when the medicine will work to reduce the uric acid level in blood, the patient may strangely have more attacks.
After six months the patient can discontinue the use of colchicines.
The side effects of colchicines are also numerous so cautions should be observed while using it.
Overuse can lead to kidney failure, calcium deficiency, heart problems, bone marrow suppression, lung failure, liver problems, rashes and even death.
How an individual's body responds to a particular medicine differs, often one gout medicine may completely work for one person while for the other there might be endless problems.
When a patient takes cyclosporine along with colchicines there is likelihood of there being damage to the kidneys.
Patients who take colchicines on a regular basis should be monitored at regular intervals.
This should include RBC count, liver and kidney function test and urine analysis.
Another drug that is commonly used in the treatment of gout is probenecid; it is a drug that helps in the excretion of excessive uric acid through urine.
It blocks the process of the absorption of uric acid by kidney.
This drug should be administered when the patient's health is stable and not when he is undergoing an attack.
The dosage begins with 500 mg once a day and later becomes 500 mgs twice a day.
To ensure that probenecid is effective the kidney should function normally.
The patient should also ensure good flow of urine by constant flow of urine.
Patients who suffer from kidney stones should not use probenecid.
Losartan a medicine for blood pressure also lowers uric acid levels in blood.
The above mentioned drugs should not be taken without consulting a medical practitioner so he/she can find what gout medicine is right for you.
How do you get rid of this pain or what kind of gout medicine should you take to get some relief? Here is a list of gout medicines to take so that you can get relief from gout pain.
A popular gout medicine used to treat gout patients is colchicines, this medicine works by restricting the function of white blood cells, they can't move from one site to another.
The patient is recommended 0.
6 mg tablet every two hours till the pain subsides.
Stop the medicine if you start feeling nauseous or have diarrhea.
This medicine also functions as a prophylactic drug, in other words it acts as a preventive medicine.
During the initial six months of treatment when the medicine will work to reduce the uric acid level in blood, the patient may strangely have more attacks.
After six months the patient can discontinue the use of colchicines.
The side effects of colchicines are also numerous so cautions should be observed while using it.
Overuse can lead to kidney failure, calcium deficiency, heart problems, bone marrow suppression, lung failure, liver problems, rashes and even death.
How an individual's body responds to a particular medicine differs, often one gout medicine may completely work for one person while for the other there might be endless problems.
When a patient takes cyclosporine along with colchicines there is likelihood of there being damage to the kidneys.
Patients who take colchicines on a regular basis should be monitored at regular intervals.
This should include RBC count, liver and kidney function test and urine analysis.
Another drug that is commonly used in the treatment of gout is probenecid; it is a drug that helps in the excretion of excessive uric acid through urine.
It blocks the process of the absorption of uric acid by kidney.
This drug should be administered when the patient's health is stable and not when he is undergoing an attack.
The dosage begins with 500 mg once a day and later becomes 500 mgs twice a day.
To ensure that probenecid is effective the kidney should function normally.
The patient should also ensure good flow of urine by constant flow of urine.
Patients who suffer from kidney stones should not use probenecid.
Losartan a medicine for blood pressure also lowers uric acid levels in blood.
The above mentioned drugs should not be taken without consulting a medical practitioner so he/she can find what gout medicine is right for you.