Data Recovery from Bad SMART Status of Hard Drive
Normally, the drives failure can be attribute into two causes—logical failure and physical failure. Logical failure is always caused by partition loss, MBR corruption. FAT table damaged, etc. These failures always will not bring a terrible loss of your data and can be easily handled by OS reinstallation or hard drive format or by using some logical data recovery software. While physical failure is not as easy as logical ones. Physical hard drive crash or failure always present as hard drive electronic or mechanical components damage. In case if these components get damaged due to any external or internal factor, such as high intensity magnetic waves, temperature, water, file or sharp impact. These always denote a condition, in which your system loses access to the stored data and information. Nevertheless the cause of drive malfunction, the ultimate result is always data loss. At this point, you are required to opt for the professional data recovery tools to get your precious data back.
The physical hard drive failure is not always instant. Most modern drive comes with a sophisticated technology, known as SMART (Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology). This is a pre-crash warning system which can give people some predictions for the future hard drive failure and monitor your hard drive internally on the basis of predefined parameters. If it finds any fault happens to your hard drive, it will create reports and warning. SMART monitors disk performance, bad sectors, recalibration, CRC error, drive spin-up time, drive heads, distance between the heads and disk platters, drive temperature, characteristics of the media, motor and servomechanisms.
Any one of this parameters encounters an potential error, your PC will have some symptoms to indicate the potential failure, such as: ? drive can spin well and no clicking noise, but it takes a long time to enter into the system, ? drive can spin well and no clicking noise and normal track seek sound, but the hard drive cannot be detected. ? When hard drive is scanned by MHDD, you can see many sectors shown as read/green blocks. In these conditions, SMART System will generate the report and give you the following error message:
"Primary master hard disk: S.M.A.R.T. Status Bad, backup and replace"
Analysis of this error and the solution:
By the master hard disk, the error message refers to the one that is being used primarily by your computer to store data. Above error message suggests to immediately create backup of your critical data and replace the failed drive with new one. The drive might be damaged due to internal component failure, firmware corruption or electronic faults.
In cases of malfunction, if you cannot create backup of your data, you need to adopt professional data recovery tool, such as: SalvationDATA HD Doctor Suite. It is the most effective tool produced by the world famous data recovery company-SalvationDATA to repair the SMART error and retrieve data from physically damaged hard drive.
SMART repair by SalvationDATA HD Doctor Suite can be divided into: reset SMART or initialize SMART.
Reset SMART means by using the standard commands to repair all the SMART Errors and reset the drive.
Initialize SMART: reset the error caused by initializing the SMART module back to the factory state. The working time and data contained in SMART will be erased.
The above mentioned two methods will not produce any damage to your stored data and has been proved as the proved effective ways to solve the SMART error and recover the data safely and easily.
The physical hard drive failure is not always instant. Most modern drive comes with a sophisticated technology, known as SMART (Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology). This is a pre-crash warning system which can give people some predictions for the future hard drive failure and monitor your hard drive internally on the basis of predefined parameters. If it finds any fault happens to your hard drive, it will create reports and warning. SMART monitors disk performance, bad sectors, recalibration, CRC error, drive spin-up time, drive heads, distance between the heads and disk platters, drive temperature, characteristics of the media, motor and servomechanisms.
Any one of this parameters encounters an potential error, your PC will have some symptoms to indicate the potential failure, such as: ? drive can spin well and no clicking noise, but it takes a long time to enter into the system, ? drive can spin well and no clicking noise and normal track seek sound, but the hard drive cannot be detected. ? When hard drive is scanned by MHDD, you can see many sectors shown as read/green blocks. In these conditions, SMART System will generate the report and give you the following error message:
"Primary master hard disk: S.M.A.R.T. Status Bad, backup and replace"
Analysis of this error and the solution:
By the master hard disk, the error message refers to the one that is being used primarily by your computer to store data. Above error message suggests to immediately create backup of your critical data and replace the failed drive with new one. The drive might be damaged due to internal component failure, firmware corruption or electronic faults.
In cases of malfunction, if you cannot create backup of your data, you need to adopt professional data recovery tool, such as: SalvationDATA HD Doctor Suite. It is the most effective tool produced by the world famous data recovery company-SalvationDATA to repair the SMART error and retrieve data from physically damaged hard drive.
SMART repair by SalvationDATA HD Doctor Suite can be divided into: reset SMART or initialize SMART.
Reset SMART means by using the standard commands to repair all the SMART Errors and reset the drive.
Initialize SMART: reset the error caused by initializing the SMART module back to the factory state. The working time and data contained in SMART will be erased.
The above mentioned two methods will not produce any damage to your stored data and has been proved as the proved effective ways to solve the SMART error and recover the data safely and easily.