Covering Your Underarm Hyperhidrosis
It's normal to sweat in times of stress, or when you are exercising or out in the heat.
But if you find yourself sweating at times in addition to these normal times, you may have a condition calls hyperhidrosis.
Some people attempt to mask or cover up their underarm hyperhydrosis through various ways without treating the real problem.
There are several ways people do this.
While many men wear undershirts as part of their business and even casual attire, both men and women alike who have underarm hyperhydrosis may wear undershirts at times when it's not necessary or socially required to cover up the problem.
The issue with doing this is that wearing extra clothing increases your body temperature and also keeps your skin from breathing, which only exacerbates the problem.
Others try switching their deodorants and antiperspirants.
The problem with this is that they are at beast about one-third effective at blocking all of your sweat glands.
Plus, some scientists believe the aluminum in these products are linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer's.
Some people also air their armpits out in front of fans and air conditioners.
They may be seen doing this while sitting in their car, at home, and even at work or in a store.
The problem here, besides the embarrassment of being caught, is that you may be drying the wetness that is there now, but it does little prevent that wetness from popping right back up.
And still others are known to take multiple showers a day.
Some people may take extra showers after swimming in a pool or working out at the gym, but some people take several showers a day simply to cover up their underarm hyperhidrosis.
Showers simply help you to conceal the problem temporarily, but do nothing to treat the problem to keep it from recurring.
Take steps to find a treatment for your issue rather than simply covering up the problem.
But if you find yourself sweating at times in addition to these normal times, you may have a condition calls hyperhidrosis.
Some people attempt to mask or cover up their underarm hyperhydrosis through various ways without treating the real problem.
There are several ways people do this.
While many men wear undershirts as part of their business and even casual attire, both men and women alike who have underarm hyperhydrosis may wear undershirts at times when it's not necessary or socially required to cover up the problem.
The issue with doing this is that wearing extra clothing increases your body temperature and also keeps your skin from breathing, which only exacerbates the problem.
Others try switching their deodorants and antiperspirants.
The problem with this is that they are at beast about one-third effective at blocking all of your sweat glands.
Plus, some scientists believe the aluminum in these products are linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer's.
Some people also air their armpits out in front of fans and air conditioners.
They may be seen doing this while sitting in their car, at home, and even at work or in a store.
The problem here, besides the embarrassment of being caught, is that you may be drying the wetness that is there now, but it does little prevent that wetness from popping right back up.
And still others are known to take multiple showers a day.
Some people may take extra showers after swimming in a pool or working out at the gym, but some people take several showers a day simply to cover up their underarm hyperhidrosis.
Showers simply help you to conceal the problem temporarily, but do nothing to treat the problem to keep it from recurring.
Take steps to find a treatment for your issue rather than simply covering up the problem.