Preventing Autism: Cheap, Simple and EFFECTIVE
There is a simple, cheap, and effective form of Autism Prevention therapy.
Here it is: Less than 1% of all doctors in the USA are even aware that vitamin C takes all minerals, including heavy metals out of the body.
It's not true chelation, as vitamin C combines metabolically, but it's the same result.
Take out all, and put back in what is needed.
Most doctors even believe that the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of 75 mg is correct for good health, when 4000 mg is the RDA for a 150 pound ape.
(Apes are more valuable it seems.
) Mineral analysis of people who use 2000-5000 mg (2-5 grams) per day of vitamin C for a year or so show heavy metals toxicity so low it is immeasurable.
We have an epidemic of autism, mostly caused by mercury, aluminum, and/or lead toxicity.
This toxicity is increasing in our culture and pregnant women are more and more subject to this environmental poisoning.
This is creating infant toxicity before birth such that the infant liver may be near toxic levels, and the addition of vaccines using these preservatives overloads the infant liver and actually kills brain cells.
A simple and cheap prevention is to have any pregnant woman start on 4 grams per day of cheap vitamin C (less than $30 for 9 months supply at Costco).
If she takes 2 1000 mg tablets at breakfast and 2 more at dinner, and then takes pre-natal vitamins and vitamins at lunch, the "shared" blood stream of mother and fetus will be gradually cleared of mercury and other heavy metals.
This allows the birth of a baby that is not near toxic levels in that tiny liver, and now is able to handle further toxic loads after entering the world.
Autism is a "bankruptcy" disease to families.
Instead of spending millions on "cure", let's spend a small amount on prevention.
But doctors need to be re-educated about vitamin C.
Big Pharma has done a job with their refutation of Linus Pauling, and the other scientists work below.
These include Frederick R.
html by Andrew Saulas, the only psychologist in the Orthomolecular Medical Society for many years and a personal friend of Abram Hoffer and Carl Pfeiffer.
Bate has personally taken 4 grams per day of vitamin C (as above), for a number of years, my recent mineral analysis shows the only heavy metals even measurable are aluminum and arsenic, and both are extremely low on the toxic level.
(His wife cooks with aluminum, and we get fresh vegetables from possibly insecticide sprayed fields.
) He has also used vitamin C in my former practice to solve many cases of schizophrenia caused by excessive copper using 10 grams per day of vitamin C very successfully.
These cases included both the Wilson's family gene, and some women that the birth control pill had been involved in the copper uptake.
He has also successfully used vitamin C to push out mercury in cases of depression.
This simple and cheap therapy has the potential to stop the current epidemic of autism, and at least bring it back to the 1 case in 10,000, instead of the current 1 in less than 150.
Also, simple to test the validity.
Find 100-1000 recently pregnant women, and start this regimen.
If less than 6 months left in pregnancy, go to 3 grams per dose, etc.
Here it is: Less than 1% of all doctors in the USA are even aware that vitamin C takes all minerals, including heavy metals out of the body.
It's not true chelation, as vitamin C combines metabolically, but it's the same result.
Take out all, and put back in what is needed.
Most doctors even believe that the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of 75 mg is correct for good health, when 4000 mg is the RDA for a 150 pound ape.
(Apes are more valuable it seems.
) Mineral analysis of people who use 2000-5000 mg (2-5 grams) per day of vitamin C for a year or so show heavy metals toxicity so low it is immeasurable.
We have an epidemic of autism, mostly caused by mercury, aluminum, and/or lead toxicity.
This toxicity is increasing in our culture and pregnant women are more and more subject to this environmental poisoning.
This is creating infant toxicity before birth such that the infant liver may be near toxic levels, and the addition of vaccines using these preservatives overloads the infant liver and actually kills brain cells.
A simple and cheap prevention is to have any pregnant woman start on 4 grams per day of cheap vitamin C (less than $30 for 9 months supply at Costco).
If she takes 2 1000 mg tablets at breakfast and 2 more at dinner, and then takes pre-natal vitamins and vitamins at lunch, the "shared" blood stream of mother and fetus will be gradually cleared of mercury and other heavy metals.
This allows the birth of a baby that is not near toxic levels in that tiny liver, and now is able to handle further toxic loads after entering the world.
Autism is a "bankruptcy" disease to families.
Instead of spending millions on "cure", let's spend a small amount on prevention.
But doctors need to be re-educated about vitamin C.
Big Pharma has done a job with their refutation of Linus Pauling, and the other scientists work below.
These include Frederick R.
html by Andrew Saulas, the only psychologist in the Orthomolecular Medical Society for many years and a personal friend of Abram Hoffer and Carl Pfeiffer.
Bate has personally taken 4 grams per day of vitamin C (as above), for a number of years, my recent mineral analysis shows the only heavy metals even measurable are aluminum and arsenic, and both are extremely low on the toxic level.
(His wife cooks with aluminum, and we get fresh vegetables from possibly insecticide sprayed fields.
) He has also used vitamin C in my former practice to solve many cases of schizophrenia caused by excessive copper using 10 grams per day of vitamin C very successfully.
These cases included both the Wilson's family gene, and some women that the birth control pill had been involved in the copper uptake.
He has also successfully used vitamin C to push out mercury in cases of depression.
This simple and cheap therapy has the potential to stop the current epidemic of autism, and at least bring it back to the 1 case in 10,000, instead of the current 1 in less than 150.
Also, simple to test the validity.
Find 100-1000 recently pregnant women, and start this regimen.
If less than 6 months left in pregnancy, go to 3 grams per dose, etc.