Suze Orman Nadya Suleman Intervention - Show Recap
Original Air Date:
Friday, January 14, 2011
Oprah welcomed expert financial advisor Suze Orman and mother of octuplets Nadya Suleman to the show.
Show Summary:
Three months ago, mother of octuplets Nadya Suleman reached out to Oprah and explained the struggle she was in, financially destitute and needing guidance for how to get her life in order for her 14 children. Instead of handing out lavish gifts or solving the problem with a cash donation, Oprah found a way to have the help run deeper, and for lasting change to occur in Nadya's life for the sake of her children.
Asking for the assistance of financial advisor Suze Orman, Oprah staged a behind-the-scenes intervention with Nadya Suleman that happened mostly through email and phone, but that lasted 70 days, with Suze piecing together the complete picture of Nadya Suleman's financial life since her octuplets were born nearly two years before.
Special Highlights:
This episode featured the following highlights:
What to Take Away from the Show:
Nadya Suleman has been called "The Octomom" and made into a side show or a woman just addicted to babies, fame, or looking good for the cameras. While it took some time for the mother of 14 to lower her guard and get real with Oprah, it became evident that she had made poor choices in the past, but that Nadya Suleman values education and doing the right thing by her children and not just becoming the person that the media portrays her as being. This show turned a tabloid sensation into a more relatable person who now has to find a way to live with and support children that she decided to have while making poor choices for the course of her life, and in turn, theirs. With Suze Orman's help, and for the sake of her children, hopefully Nadya Suleman can find a way to get her life back on track.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Oprah welcomed expert financial advisor Suze Orman and mother of octuplets Nadya Suleman to the show.
Show Summary:
Three months ago, mother of octuplets Nadya Suleman reached out to Oprah and explained the struggle she was in, financially destitute and needing guidance for how to get her life in order for her 14 children. Instead of handing out lavish gifts or solving the problem with a cash donation, Oprah found a way to have the help run deeper, and for lasting change to occur in Nadya's life for the sake of her children.
Asking for the assistance of financial advisor Suze Orman, Oprah staged a behind-the-scenes intervention with Nadya Suleman that happened mostly through email and phone, but that lasted 70 days, with Suze piecing together the complete picture of Nadya Suleman's financial life since her octuplets were born nearly two years before.
Special Highlights:
This episode featured the following highlights:
- The show was very real and wasn't simply Nadya Suleman spouting her regular lines about why she decided to get pregnant herself again when she was struggling to take care of her six children before.
- Suze Orman pointed out every delusion, every lie, and made the truth speak for itself as Nadya worked through the realization that she would have to pursue a book or television documentary to feed her children.
- While it was clear that Nadya still has a road ahead of her to get her finances in control, Suze Orman certainly made sure the mother of octuplets has a clear understanding of what is expected of her to make that happen.
What to Take Away from the Show:
Nadya Suleman has been called "The Octomom" and made into a side show or a woman just addicted to babies, fame, or looking good for the cameras. While it took some time for the mother of 14 to lower her guard and get real with Oprah, it became evident that she had made poor choices in the past, but that Nadya Suleman values education and doing the right thing by her children and not just becoming the person that the media portrays her as being. This show turned a tabloid sensation into a more relatable person who now has to find a way to live with and support children that she decided to have while making poor choices for the course of her life, and in turn, theirs. With Suze Orman's help, and for the sake of her children, hopefully Nadya Suleman can find a way to get her life back on track.