Is Your Water Dead Or Alive?
We could life for several weeks without food but without water you could dehydrate within days.
Imagine a 2% loss of the water surrounding your body cells could cause a 20% decrease in your energy levels.
Our body were made of 6 trillion cells, each floating in and filled with fluid.
Water hydrates and irrigates these cells and is essential for over 90% of the biochemical processes that take place in cells.
Without water, blood will not flow, oxygen and nutrients would not be transported, waste would not be eliminated and our organs and body systems would not function.
Nowadays we have pesticides and herbicides in our fruits and vegetables, heavy metal in our fish, antibiotics and growth hormones in our meat products and additives, preservatives and artificial coloring in our processed foods and drinks.
Scientist believe that degenerative diseases (exist after industrialization) can be attributed to the chemicals and carcinogens found in our water, air and food.
Water is the best defense against toxicity in the body because it flushes out toxic waste and surely it has to be healthy water, otherwise it only adds to the problems.
All of the symptoms of aging are accompanied by a slow dehydration of cells.
The average newborn is 90% hydrated, but the average 65 years old is only 55% hydrated.
The first signs of dehydration are headache, insomnia, fatigue and lack of mental alertness.
Doctors believe that dehydration may be the root cause for all kinds of ailments, from acne and indigestion, to arthritis and obesity, to more serious conditions such as heart problems.
The link between dehydration to degeneration and disease has led scientist to do in depth studies on the functions and properties of water.
Researchers have recently discovered that natural, healthy living water has several vital properties, including a certain molecular shape and ph which are necessary to properly hydrate our cells.
Early 1900's famous scientist Victor Schauberger create the term "living water"after he discovered that natural hexagonal, snowflake like water clusters are found in healing waters around the world, and that this geometrical structural is what gives the water its healing properties.
Some of the famous healing springs such as Lourdes, Vichy, Evian and Perrier in France, have remarkable effects on hearts, liver and kidney ailments, skin diseases, asthma, digestive disorder and other illness.
In pristine places called 'longevity village", people live to the age of 100 and beyond in remarkably good health.
One factor responsible for this remarkable health and longevity was the water from the melted ice and snow of the Himalayas.
Since freezing is one of nature's regenerative mechanisms, snow water is one of the healthiest forms of water.
It naturally has the vital properties and forms small hexagonal clusters.
Not all water hydrates cells and supports life functions equally.
Living water can easily penetrate the cells and performs all of its functions.
Dead water, on the other hands, must be reformed and revitalized by the body before it can be utilized.
Researchers have determined that drinking living water can improve health and longevity but drinking dead water can make cells dehydrate.
For your health and longevity you need to drink water that is: -Clean and pure -Full of energy -Infuse with oxygen -Rich with nutrients -Ph-balance to match your body fluids -Molecularly structured in small hexagonal clusters.
In some situations water is full of energy, sometimes it is sluggish and exhausted and in some conditions it dies.
Most our water is dead.
Almost everything that human has done to water has destroyed or pollute it.
We have contaminated nearly everyday with pollutants, toxic waste and the dumping of hundreds of thousands of chemicals.
As early 1960s, more than 2,500 chemical compounds were found in tap water.
Today, the world uses 120,000 types of chemicals, with another 1,000 new ones added each year.
All of these chemicals find their way into our water source.
Water treatment plant use basic filtration and chlorine to remove microbes and contaminations from our polluted water.
This process makes the water "safe to drink, but it destroy water's life giving properties.
Chlorine is not good for water because it has a strong ionic pull that easily distorts water's healthful crystalline structure.
It isn't good for the body either.
Chlorine has been associated with heart problems, cancer and arteriosclerosis.
Boiling water does not get rid of chlorine; it changes into carcinogen called trihalomethane.
Others problem is that tap water tend to have an erratic ph which disturb the body's natural acid/alkaline balance of ph 7.
Keeping water in stagnant storage tanks and forcing it to travel through miles of pipes strip water of its natural energy and oxygen, disrupting the hexagonal clusters.
By the time tap water reaches home, it is devoid of healthful properties.
A good activated carbon filters may effectively remove chlorine and heavy metals, but it can still allow certain contaminants to pass through.
Distillation and RO process do a better job of getting rid of harmful substance than simple filters, but they take everything else out of the water including beneficial minerals that are necessary for health and longevity.
Almost all filtration and purification processes and start with tap water and they do a little to restore original water's properties.
Imagine a 2% loss of the water surrounding your body cells could cause a 20% decrease in your energy levels.
Our body were made of 6 trillion cells, each floating in and filled with fluid.
Water hydrates and irrigates these cells and is essential for over 90% of the biochemical processes that take place in cells.
Without water, blood will not flow, oxygen and nutrients would not be transported, waste would not be eliminated and our organs and body systems would not function.
Nowadays we have pesticides and herbicides in our fruits and vegetables, heavy metal in our fish, antibiotics and growth hormones in our meat products and additives, preservatives and artificial coloring in our processed foods and drinks.
Scientist believe that degenerative diseases (exist after industrialization) can be attributed to the chemicals and carcinogens found in our water, air and food.
Water is the best defense against toxicity in the body because it flushes out toxic waste and surely it has to be healthy water, otherwise it only adds to the problems.
All of the symptoms of aging are accompanied by a slow dehydration of cells.
The average newborn is 90% hydrated, but the average 65 years old is only 55% hydrated.
The first signs of dehydration are headache, insomnia, fatigue and lack of mental alertness.
Doctors believe that dehydration may be the root cause for all kinds of ailments, from acne and indigestion, to arthritis and obesity, to more serious conditions such as heart problems.
The link between dehydration to degeneration and disease has led scientist to do in depth studies on the functions and properties of water.
Researchers have recently discovered that natural, healthy living water has several vital properties, including a certain molecular shape and ph which are necessary to properly hydrate our cells.
Early 1900's famous scientist Victor Schauberger create the term "living water"after he discovered that natural hexagonal, snowflake like water clusters are found in healing waters around the world, and that this geometrical structural is what gives the water its healing properties.
Some of the famous healing springs such as Lourdes, Vichy, Evian and Perrier in France, have remarkable effects on hearts, liver and kidney ailments, skin diseases, asthma, digestive disorder and other illness.
In pristine places called 'longevity village", people live to the age of 100 and beyond in remarkably good health.
One factor responsible for this remarkable health and longevity was the water from the melted ice and snow of the Himalayas.
Since freezing is one of nature's regenerative mechanisms, snow water is one of the healthiest forms of water.
It naturally has the vital properties and forms small hexagonal clusters.
Not all water hydrates cells and supports life functions equally.
Living water can easily penetrate the cells and performs all of its functions.
Dead water, on the other hands, must be reformed and revitalized by the body before it can be utilized.
Researchers have determined that drinking living water can improve health and longevity but drinking dead water can make cells dehydrate.
For your health and longevity you need to drink water that is: -Clean and pure -Full of energy -Infuse with oxygen -Rich with nutrients -Ph-balance to match your body fluids -Molecularly structured in small hexagonal clusters.
In some situations water is full of energy, sometimes it is sluggish and exhausted and in some conditions it dies.
Most our water is dead.
Almost everything that human has done to water has destroyed or pollute it.
We have contaminated nearly everyday with pollutants, toxic waste and the dumping of hundreds of thousands of chemicals.
As early 1960s, more than 2,500 chemical compounds were found in tap water.
Today, the world uses 120,000 types of chemicals, with another 1,000 new ones added each year.
All of these chemicals find their way into our water source.
Water treatment plant use basic filtration and chlorine to remove microbes and contaminations from our polluted water.
This process makes the water "safe to drink, but it destroy water's life giving properties.
Chlorine is not good for water because it has a strong ionic pull that easily distorts water's healthful crystalline structure.
It isn't good for the body either.
Chlorine has been associated with heart problems, cancer and arteriosclerosis.
Boiling water does not get rid of chlorine; it changes into carcinogen called trihalomethane.
Others problem is that tap water tend to have an erratic ph which disturb the body's natural acid/alkaline balance of ph 7.
Keeping water in stagnant storage tanks and forcing it to travel through miles of pipes strip water of its natural energy and oxygen, disrupting the hexagonal clusters.
By the time tap water reaches home, it is devoid of healthful properties.
A good activated carbon filters may effectively remove chlorine and heavy metals, but it can still allow certain contaminants to pass through.
Distillation and RO process do a better job of getting rid of harmful substance than simple filters, but they take everything else out of the water including beneficial minerals that are necessary for health and longevity.
Almost all filtration and purification processes and start with tap water and they do a little to restore original water's properties.