Common Symptoms of Bleeding Hemorrhoids and Ways to Treat It
Today there are various types of hemorrhoids and bleeding hemorrhoids is one among them.
In fact, it is one among the major and severe forms or stages of internal hemorrhoid that is characterized by profuse bleeding.
It generally occurs when one of the internal hemorrhoids gets scratched, either through the passing or wiping of a hard stool.
However, at times the loss of blood is so great, that the sufferer may become anemic or iron deficient.
The key that one need to consider is that sometimes even diarrhea can be a serious threat to bleeding hemorrhoids just because the wiping up after the stool has passed, may even spoil the hemorrhoids.
The usual and most common cause for bleeding hemorrhoids is that veins in the rectum get enlarged with blood and they finally rupture because of it.
More often, it happens either during or just after the bowel movement.
With internal hemorrhoids it is usually caused by a pallet like, hard stool.
But in case of internal hemorrhoids you must be more watchful because bleeding can also be the indicating signs of additional gastro-intestinal troubles such as fistula, colorectal cancer or even diverticulosis.
Spotting bright red blood at the time of passing the stool internally or externally could be the first sign of bleeding hemorrhoids, but yet there are few symptoms of bleeding hemorrhoids as well.
Before bleeding starts at times you may even feel other symptoms as well, such as discomfort in your rectal area, anal itching and burning sensation.
Adding to this, if you also feel or sense the bulge or swelling around your anus then it might be the early symptom of bleeding hemorrhoids though you can check it by using mirror.
Bleeding hemorrhoids can turn into a serious pain, if not diagnosed properly.
In fact, early diagnosis provides you with a better option to get relief from bleeding hemorrhoids.
Today there are different types of hemorrhoid treatments available that are rigorously followed.
Its treatment is never quick, but you still have some of the popular methods that can help your recover from or cure this kind of hemorrhoids easily, like:
Nevertheless, if you use fibrous diet then it can keep the stools soft, thus helping in reducing constipation and providing you temporary relief from bleeding hemorrhoids.
You must never neglect blood occurrence in stool.
The chances are more that it may be signs of bleeding hemorrhoids.
Consult your doctor and start hemorrhoids treatment as soon as possible.
In fact, it is one among the major and severe forms or stages of internal hemorrhoid that is characterized by profuse bleeding.
It generally occurs when one of the internal hemorrhoids gets scratched, either through the passing or wiping of a hard stool.
However, at times the loss of blood is so great, that the sufferer may become anemic or iron deficient.
The key that one need to consider is that sometimes even diarrhea can be a serious threat to bleeding hemorrhoids just because the wiping up after the stool has passed, may even spoil the hemorrhoids.
The usual and most common cause for bleeding hemorrhoids is that veins in the rectum get enlarged with blood and they finally rupture because of it.
More often, it happens either during or just after the bowel movement.
With internal hemorrhoids it is usually caused by a pallet like, hard stool.
But in case of internal hemorrhoids you must be more watchful because bleeding can also be the indicating signs of additional gastro-intestinal troubles such as fistula, colorectal cancer or even diverticulosis.
Spotting bright red blood at the time of passing the stool internally or externally could be the first sign of bleeding hemorrhoids, but yet there are few symptoms of bleeding hemorrhoids as well.
Before bleeding starts at times you may even feel other symptoms as well, such as discomfort in your rectal area, anal itching and burning sensation.
Adding to this, if you also feel or sense the bulge or swelling around your anus then it might be the early symptom of bleeding hemorrhoids though you can check it by using mirror.
Bleeding hemorrhoids can turn into a serious pain, if not diagnosed properly.
In fact, early diagnosis provides you with a better option to get relief from bleeding hemorrhoids.
Today there are different types of hemorrhoid treatments available that are rigorously followed.
Its treatment is never quick, but you still have some of the popular methods that can help your recover from or cure this kind of hemorrhoids easily, like:
- Injection Sclerotherapy - It is therapy where a chemical solution is primarily injected around the blood vessel to shrink the hemorrhoid.
- Laser Coagulation- In this type of treatment, a special device is used to burn hemorrhoidal tissue.
- Rubber Band Ligation - It is a treatment procedure where a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside the rectum.
This band plays a major role in cutting off the circulation, and the hemorrhoids withers away within few days.
Nevertheless, if you use fibrous diet then it can keep the stools soft, thus helping in reducing constipation and providing you temporary relief from bleeding hemorrhoids.
You must never neglect blood occurrence in stool.
The chances are more that it may be signs of bleeding hemorrhoids.
Consult your doctor and start hemorrhoids treatment as soon as possible.