Female Infertility and Infertility Treatment Options
Female infertility is fairly common nowadays.
There are many causes of female infertility which are quite easily diagnosed.
With the correct diagnosis of female infertility, it can be tackled successfully.
If you suspect that you have female infertility, the first step is to understand the various causes of female infertility, so that you can determine whether to seek the appropriate treatment.
Most doctors will recommend that if you are under the age of 39 and you have been trying to get conceive unsuccessfully for a year, it is time to consult a medical doctor.
The Causes of Female Infertility There are many factors that contribute to female infertility.
One is hormonal disorder that can affect the ovulation process.
If hormonal problems are the cause of female infertility, the treatment options include taking hormones orally.
There are numerous test kits available that can detect hormonal problems, including the basal body temperature chart, an ovulation predictor test and blood tests that can measure the hormone levels at different times during the monthly cycle.
Another cause of infertility is due damaged or blocked fallopian tubes.
The fallopian tubes are the means through which an egg will descend from the ovaries to the uterus.
If an egg cannot travel through the fallopian tubes, it will not be accessible by the sperms and hence, conception cannot take place.
Infections, endometriosis and surgeries can cause damage to the fallopian tubes.
This condition can usually be diagnosed with a variety of tools.
Sometimes, surgery can remedy this situation.
In other cases, the treatment may involve bypassing the fallopian tubes by extracting the egg directly from the ovary, fertilizing it in a lab and then transplanting it back into the uterus.
In rare cases, the cause of the female infertility cannot be determined.
In such case, you and your doctor will need to decide on whether to proceed with any of the female infertility treatment options available.
Failing everything, adoption will be the only means of having a child.
However, with so many female infertility treatments available today, your chances of successfully conceiving a healthy baby are greater than ever before.
Common Female Infertility Treatments New drugs are now available to enhance the success rate of many female infertility treatments.
The potent combination of drugs, hormone therapy and various methods like artificial insemination are making conception much easier for many couples.
The drugs are designed to induce the production of more eggs in the woman.
Often, female infertility treatment drugs are used together with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In vitro fertilization.
In Intrauterine insemination (IUI), the sperm is separated from the semen fluid.
The sperm is then placed into the uterus by using a small plastic catheter.
This female infertility treatment method is usually painless.
It is almost always combined with the use of fertility drugs.
These drugs will help the body to produce more healthy and strong eggs.
This increases the chance of a successful conception.
The correct timing is essential and careful monitoring is carried out so that ovulation occurs at the time of the IUI procedure.
This treatment has a good success rate.
In Vitro Fertilization is another common female infertility treatment.
In this female infertility treatment, fertilization occurs in a lab.
This female infertility treatment entails the removal of mature eggs from the female and is fertilized with sperm collected from the male.
The fertilized embryo is then placed back into the uterus of the mother.
It is a popular form of female infertility treatment.
Endometrial Biopsy When a woman is diagnosed with infertility, the doctor will usually perform a procedure called an endometrial biopsy.
An endometrial biopsy is basically gathering of a sample of the uterine lining.
It is performed by inserting a catheter through the woman's cervix and into the uterus.
The doctor will then test to see the response of the uterine lining to progesterone.
Infertility can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, which is why endometrial biopsy and infertility go hand in hand.
An endometrial biopsy is also performed to check for abnormal uterine bleeding, which is also a result hormone imbalance.
If you are advised to go for an endometrial biopsy, make sure to take ibuprofen before the procedure.
It will help to alleviate some of the discomfort.
Just remember that an endometrial biopsy is necessary to determine the cause of certain infertility situation and in some cases the infertility can be reversed.
If the endometrial biopsy detects that the infertility is caused by a hormonal imbalance, the doctor will usually prescribe progesterone to relieve the situation.
There are many causes of female infertility which are quite easily diagnosed.
With the correct diagnosis of female infertility, it can be tackled successfully.
If you suspect that you have female infertility, the first step is to understand the various causes of female infertility, so that you can determine whether to seek the appropriate treatment.
Most doctors will recommend that if you are under the age of 39 and you have been trying to get conceive unsuccessfully for a year, it is time to consult a medical doctor.
The Causes of Female Infertility There are many factors that contribute to female infertility.
One is hormonal disorder that can affect the ovulation process.
If hormonal problems are the cause of female infertility, the treatment options include taking hormones orally.
There are numerous test kits available that can detect hormonal problems, including the basal body temperature chart, an ovulation predictor test and blood tests that can measure the hormone levels at different times during the monthly cycle.
Another cause of infertility is due damaged or blocked fallopian tubes.
The fallopian tubes are the means through which an egg will descend from the ovaries to the uterus.
If an egg cannot travel through the fallopian tubes, it will not be accessible by the sperms and hence, conception cannot take place.
Infections, endometriosis and surgeries can cause damage to the fallopian tubes.
This condition can usually be diagnosed with a variety of tools.
Sometimes, surgery can remedy this situation.
In other cases, the treatment may involve bypassing the fallopian tubes by extracting the egg directly from the ovary, fertilizing it in a lab and then transplanting it back into the uterus.
In rare cases, the cause of the female infertility cannot be determined.
In such case, you and your doctor will need to decide on whether to proceed with any of the female infertility treatment options available.
Failing everything, adoption will be the only means of having a child.
However, with so many female infertility treatments available today, your chances of successfully conceiving a healthy baby are greater than ever before.
Common Female Infertility Treatments New drugs are now available to enhance the success rate of many female infertility treatments.
The potent combination of drugs, hormone therapy and various methods like artificial insemination are making conception much easier for many couples.
The drugs are designed to induce the production of more eggs in the woman.
Often, female infertility treatment drugs are used together with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In vitro fertilization.
In Intrauterine insemination (IUI), the sperm is separated from the semen fluid.
The sperm is then placed into the uterus by using a small plastic catheter.
This female infertility treatment method is usually painless.
It is almost always combined with the use of fertility drugs.
These drugs will help the body to produce more healthy and strong eggs.
This increases the chance of a successful conception.
The correct timing is essential and careful monitoring is carried out so that ovulation occurs at the time of the IUI procedure.
This treatment has a good success rate.
In Vitro Fertilization is another common female infertility treatment.
In this female infertility treatment, fertilization occurs in a lab.
This female infertility treatment entails the removal of mature eggs from the female and is fertilized with sperm collected from the male.
The fertilized embryo is then placed back into the uterus of the mother.
It is a popular form of female infertility treatment.
Endometrial Biopsy When a woman is diagnosed with infertility, the doctor will usually perform a procedure called an endometrial biopsy.
An endometrial biopsy is basically gathering of a sample of the uterine lining.
It is performed by inserting a catheter through the woman's cervix and into the uterus.
The doctor will then test to see the response of the uterine lining to progesterone.
Infertility can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, which is why endometrial biopsy and infertility go hand in hand.
An endometrial biopsy is also performed to check for abnormal uterine bleeding, which is also a result hormone imbalance.
If you are advised to go for an endometrial biopsy, make sure to take ibuprofen before the procedure.
It will help to alleviate some of the discomfort.
Just remember that an endometrial biopsy is necessary to determine the cause of certain infertility situation and in some cases the infertility can be reversed.
If the endometrial biopsy detects that the infertility is caused by a hormonal imbalance, the doctor will usually prescribe progesterone to relieve the situation.