How to Increase your Brain's Memory
- 1). Keep a journal of things you're forgetful of or don't know much about. I know this seems simple, but still its effective. Sometimes we learn something, then puff, we forget it just like that! You'd like to trade your brain to getting in the habit of remembering things. Write things you're uncertain of, or become forgetful of. Also, learn to repeat things in your head. That way it's easier to make it a habit of maintaining a sharper memory. Sometimes we don't even really let information process at all. That can easily explain why we don't remember a lot of things. Information is valuable!
- 2). Apply more fish oils to your diet. You'll find that omega-3 is a fatty acid that is extremely beneficial to your brain's memory and function. Fish oils contain an extremely high amount of omega-3. DHA found in omega-3, makes up 25-30% of brain fats. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in walnuts, strawberries, green leaf vegetables, and a lot of legumes as well. You can also take omega-3 supplements, since most people aren't a fan of eating fish.
- 3). Cook with Olive oil. Get more olive oil into your diet in general. The Italians use a lot of olive oil, but it's one of the main ingredients in the Mediterranean diet. Highly made up of monounsaturated fats. Another fat the brain requires to support an increase of memory. Olive olive is linked to increasing the brain's memory.
- 4). Take ginkgo biloba health supplements. Gingko increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Ginkgo is effective in improving long-term and short-term memory. It helps you recall things you've forgotten years ago even. Ginkgo comes from a maidenhair tree. The Chinese use it as a herbal medicine.
- 5). Avoid excessive drinking of alcohol. You can't drink and smoke a lot. Both contribute to poor brain functioning. Those are obviously bad habits to have. However, you might find interesting that moderately drinking of alcohol can actually be good for the brain. There have been studies that suggest, those who drink moderately tend to have a better brain function then those who don't drink at all.
Red wine can help improve you memory. It contains an anti-aging supplement called resveratrol. Resveratrol is very anti-aging and healthy for you. Resveratrol comes from red skin grapes. You can find resveratrol in peanuts as well. Peanuts can boost your brains function, because it contains a good source of monounsaturated fats.