Strawberry Shortcake Party Favors - Good Things In Small Packages
As much as some children love Strawberry Shortcake, the sweet and smart little girl, they like real shortcakes equally as much. Since it is so tasty in the form of eatables and so enjoyable as a cartoon and toys, it makes for a great birthday party theme, especially first ones. It is quite easy find Strawberry Shortcake party favors and ideas for them.
Watch the Strawberry Shortcake cartoon or the animated movie and you will get an idea of what it is all about, if you haven't heard about it before. You may get neat ideas for party favors that you can make yourself at home. The main story behind this theme is that of the central character 'Strawberry Shortcake' and her friends which include Orange, Berrykins, and Mr. Longface and many other characters.
Now based on these characters make or buy party favors such as stickers featuring them. They are quite simple as favors, but they are exciting all the same for small kids who are delighted at anything new. Make sure that these stickers are bright pink in color which perfectly reflects the theme for your kid's birthday party. If your stickers feature individual characters, then get stickers of their respective colors.
An even bigger fascination for kids is those stickers with glow in the dark. Glowing stickers too are very common and you only need browse through a large collection from stores and find the one that you want. Since these Strawberry Shortcake party favors are meant to small children, they don't need to be very high end. They only want gifts that they can use for a while, enjoy it to the hilt and keep away.
Girls of any age are totally crazy about bracelets and they want as many as they can collect. Some of them have collections of bracelets by the thousands. So it only makes sense to add them as Strawberry Shortcake party favors. The best looking bracelets are metal ones. You can customize them by also using Strawberry Shortcake picture lockets and also other such as Plum Pudding, Orange Blossom etc.
There is a lot of creativity you can show with bracelets. For instance, instead of simple lac beads, you can try candy beads, which can be eaten after wearing for some time. You can also create some games out of this idea, where children eat a single bead for each loss. The one, who has the most candies left in the bracelet at the end, wins the game.
After stickers and bracelets, tattoos are very popular with small kids. Again, finding Strawberry Shortcake tattoos only takes a few minutes of search on the internet or visit to a toy store of confectionary story.
Choosing Strawberry Shortcake party favors which are meant for girls is not a very difficult for any given them. Since they love to accessorize, anything from lip gloss or lip sticks to mascaras could be given a Strawberry Shortcake skin and turned into great party favors. For boys, too you can choose other unique accessories and make personalized party favors out of them. A little bit of creativity can help you get exciting party favor ideas.
Watch the Strawberry Shortcake cartoon or the animated movie and you will get an idea of what it is all about, if you haven't heard about it before. You may get neat ideas for party favors that you can make yourself at home. The main story behind this theme is that of the central character 'Strawberry Shortcake' and her friends which include Orange, Berrykins, and Mr. Longface and many other characters.
Now based on these characters make or buy party favors such as stickers featuring them. They are quite simple as favors, but they are exciting all the same for small kids who are delighted at anything new. Make sure that these stickers are bright pink in color which perfectly reflects the theme for your kid's birthday party. If your stickers feature individual characters, then get stickers of their respective colors.
An even bigger fascination for kids is those stickers with glow in the dark. Glowing stickers too are very common and you only need browse through a large collection from stores and find the one that you want. Since these Strawberry Shortcake party favors are meant to small children, they don't need to be very high end. They only want gifts that they can use for a while, enjoy it to the hilt and keep away.
Girls of any age are totally crazy about bracelets and they want as many as they can collect. Some of them have collections of bracelets by the thousands. So it only makes sense to add them as Strawberry Shortcake party favors. The best looking bracelets are metal ones. You can customize them by also using Strawberry Shortcake picture lockets and also other such as Plum Pudding, Orange Blossom etc.
There is a lot of creativity you can show with bracelets. For instance, instead of simple lac beads, you can try candy beads, which can be eaten after wearing for some time. You can also create some games out of this idea, where children eat a single bead for each loss. The one, who has the most candies left in the bracelet at the end, wins the game.
After stickers and bracelets, tattoos are very popular with small kids. Again, finding Strawberry Shortcake tattoos only takes a few minutes of search on the internet or visit to a toy store of confectionary story.
Choosing Strawberry Shortcake party favors which are meant for girls is not a very difficult for any given them. Since they love to accessorize, anything from lip gloss or lip sticks to mascaras could be given a Strawberry Shortcake skin and turned into great party favors. For boys, too you can choose other unique accessories and make personalized party favors out of them. A little bit of creativity can help you get exciting party favor ideas.