Great Children"s Bible Games
Children bible games serve as great tools that motivate kids to read the bible frequently.
These games in effect help children develop good bible reading habits.
Games like The One Way Game, JONAH & GOD'S GREAT LOVE, and The Chariot Races introduce God's word through entertaining means.
The One Way Game In the One Way Game, children have only one way to win.
They must keep the balls inside the pathway in order to win.
This game is inspired in John 14:6 which tell us that there is only one way to God.
This game emphasizes that Jesus is the only pathway to God.
How to play: 1.
For indoors: use masking tape.
indicate straight pathways for every team.
Five inches wide or more, in case younger children will join.
-Distribute to each team one ping-pong ball and each player a straw.
-At the go players must alternate blowing through their straw to impel their ping-pong ball inside the pathway.
-If the ball rolls out of the pathway, the player should return to start to begin again.
-When players get to the opposite end of their path they must transport the ball to the next player in his or her team line.
Play goes on like this until all players have their turn.
For outdoors: make the pathways wider, about twelve inches apart.
Players are to use small pit balls to move forward using only their feet.
Play continues in like manner as mentioned above.
Jonah & God's Great Love Jonah & God's Great Love is a puzzle type of game.
In this game, participants are required to read the book of JONAH.
How to play: Participants are tasked to find the keywords in the book of JONAH to solve the puzzle.
When the players finally solve the puzzle, they need to explain how the keywords fit into the story of Jonah.
Chariot Races This game is all about Acts 8:26-39.
It's about sharing the gospel.
Participants must provide accurate answers to the following questions: -Why did the Ethiopian go to Jerusalem? -(To worship God) -Why did Phillip go to the desert? -(God told him to) -What was the Ethiopian doing as he rode home in his chariot? -(Reading from the book of Isaiah) -What did Phillip ask the Ethiopian? -(Did he understand what he was reading) -What did the Ethiopian answer Phillip? -(How can I unless someone guides me?) -Who did Phillip tell him the Scripture was speaking of? -(Jesus) -When Phillip helped him understand what God meant, what wonderful thing took place? -(The Ethiopian believed and became God's child) -Why did the Ethiopian want to be baptized? -(To show he believed in Jesus) -What should you tell others so they can believe in Jesus? -(Jesus died to pay for their sins; He came into life again in three days.
He will forgive their sin if they will believe him whole-heartedly.
) -What happened when the Ethiopian was baptized? -(Phillip disappeared and the Ethiopian went home rejoicing.
) -Who are some of the people you could share about Christ? -(Family and friends who do not know Jesus) How To Play: 1.
Create a start line.
Let a child stand at the start line with the questions.
Print the Relay Questions 2.
Give each team the same question at a time.
Select two kids with good reading skills.
Assign them to pull the chariots to their team.
Let them ask the first team player in line, and if correct, return for another `question.
At the go, child at the start line lays a question from the list into both chariots.
If the answer is incorrect, player must still run back to the start line and then return to his or her team to get the correct answer from the next child in line.
These games in effect help children develop good bible reading habits.
Games like The One Way Game, JONAH & GOD'S GREAT LOVE, and The Chariot Races introduce God's word through entertaining means.
The One Way Game In the One Way Game, children have only one way to win.
They must keep the balls inside the pathway in order to win.
This game is inspired in John 14:6 which tell us that there is only one way to God.
This game emphasizes that Jesus is the only pathway to God.
How to play: 1.
For indoors: use masking tape.
indicate straight pathways for every team.
Five inches wide or more, in case younger children will join.
-Distribute to each team one ping-pong ball and each player a straw.
-At the go players must alternate blowing through their straw to impel their ping-pong ball inside the pathway.
-If the ball rolls out of the pathway, the player should return to start to begin again.
-When players get to the opposite end of their path they must transport the ball to the next player in his or her team line.
Play goes on like this until all players have their turn.
For outdoors: make the pathways wider, about twelve inches apart.
Players are to use small pit balls to move forward using only their feet.
Play continues in like manner as mentioned above.
Jonah & God's Great Love Jonah & God's Great Love is a puzzle type of game.
In this game, participants are required to read the book of JONAH.
How to play: Participants are tasked to find the keywords in the book of JONAH to solve the puzzle.
When the players finally solve the puzzle, they need to explain how the keywords fit into the story of Jonah.
Chariot Races This game is all about Acts 8:26-39.
It's about sharing the gospel.
Participants must provide accurate answers to the following questions: -Why did the Ethiopian go to Jerusalem? -(To worship God) -Why did Phillip go to the desert? -(God told him to) -What was the Ethiopian doing as he rode home in his chariot? -(Reading from the book of Isaiah) -What did Phillip ask the Ethiopian? -(Did he understand what he was reading) -What did the Ethiopian answer Phillip? -(How can I unless someone guides me?) -Who did Phillip tell him the Scripture was speaking of? -(Jesus) -When Phillip helped him understand what God meant, what wonderful thing took place? -(The Ethiopian believed and became God's child) -Why did the Ethiopian want to be baptized? -(To show he believed in Jesus) -What should you tell others so they can believe in Jesus? -(Jesus died to pay for their sins; He came into life again in three days.
He will forgive their sin if they will believe him whole-heartedly.
) -What happened when the Ethiopian was baptized? -(Phillip disappeared and the Ethiopian went home rejoicing.
) -Who are some of the people you could share about Christ? -(Family and friends who do not know Jesus) How To Play: 1.
Create a start line.
Let a child stand at the start line with the questions.
Print the Relay Questions 2.
Give each team the same question at a time.
Select two kids with good reading skills.
Assign them to pull the chariots to their team.
Let them ask the first team player in line, and if correct, return for another `question.
At the go, child at the start line lays a question from the list into both chariots.
If the answer is incorrect, player must still run back to the start line and then return to his or her team to get the correct answer from the next child in line.