Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back - Top Texting Tips to Win Him Back for Good
Did you just go through a breakup recently? Are you having trouble moving on with your life because you still want to win your ex boyfriend back? Do you still have real feelings for him? If so, then here are the top texting tips that will help you win him back for good.
The very first thing that you have to do to win your ex boyfriend back is avoid sending him needy and desperate text messages.
This will merely push him farther away, in general.
Keep in mind that nobody likes needy and desperate people, so your ex boyfriend definitely won't like those traits, either.
Besides, if you convey yourself as a needy and desperate ex girlfriend, your ex boyfriend might just take full advantage of you and lose respect for you altogether in the end.
On that note, don't bombard him with text messages, either - especially drunken ones.
If you have already done this in the past, think about the consequences of your actions.
Did you end up winning any ex boyfriend back by doing this? Probably not.
So just don't do it.
When it comes to texting to win your ex boyfriend back, it would also be vital not to answer his text messages every time he texts you.
In other words, try to ignore him sometimes and make yourself completely unavailable.
Also, if you ever do feel the need to send him a text message, make sure your message is always short and polite.
Make him miss you for a change and make him wonder what you have been doing since you have broken up.
While doing this, you can also improve your lifestyle, mingle with other friends and stop thinking about him altogether.
Be productive.
Of course, while trying to win your ex boyfriend back, it would also be vital not to obsess over your mobile phone or the text messages that you get from him.
Not only will you feel worse and get depressed and lonely, but you might just end up reaching out to him and getting rebuffed by him in the end.
So, instead of staying at home crying, indulging in ice cream and chocolate, and getting terribly depressed, lazy and fat after your breakup, get moving and show him that he made the wrong move by breaking up with you.
He might just end up reaching out to you through text message once he sees how great you've been doing without him.
The very first thing that you have to do to win your ex boyfriend back is avoid sending him needy and desperate text messages.
This will merely push him farther away, in general.
Keep in mind that nobody likes needy and desperate people, so your ex boyfriend definitely won't like those traits, either.
Besides, if you convey yourself as a needy and desperate ex girlfriend, your ex boyfriend might just take full advantage of you and lose respect for you altogether in the end.
On that note, don't bombard him with text messages, either - especially drunken ones.
If you have already done this in the past, think about the consequences of your actions.
Did you end up winning any ex boyfriend back by doing this? Probably not.
So just don't do it.
When it comes to texting to win your ex boyfriend back, it would also be vital not to answer his text messages every time he texts you.
In other words, try to ignore him sometimes and make yourself completely unavailable.
Also, if you ever do feel the need to send him a text message, make sure your message is always short and polite.
Make him miss you for a change and make him wonder what you have been doing since you have broken up.
While doing this, you can also improve your lifestyle, mingle with other friends and stop thinking about him altogether.
Be productive.
Of course, while trying to win your ex boyfriend back, it would also be vital not to obsess over your mobile phone or the text messages that you get from him.
Not only will you feel worse and get depressed and lonely, but you might just end up reaching out to him and getting rebuffed by him in the end.
So, instead of staying at home crying, indulging in ice cream and chocolate, and getting terribly depressed, lazy and fat after your breakup, get moving and show him that he made the wrong move by breaking up with you.
He might just end up reaching out to you through text message once he sees how great you've been doing without him.