Dating Tips - Shit Tests - How to Get Past it Without Lifting a Finger
The main source of a shit test really comes down to two things that guys LARGELY MISS OUT ON or do not even try to improve.
Reason for Shit Tests #1: Incongruency
If you're thinking you can still become a bum-looking, nerdy-faced, no-body-language guy and get the hottest women in the world, then let me save you from the anguish and just say stop pipe dreaming. Until you create actual congruency in your life and your character, you can forget about it. Every girl you talk to WILL test you.
Seriously, imagine a dirty bum who found some nice tuxedo in a dumpster, put it on, and started coming up to you selling real estate. Would you NOT test the guy?
It's the same thing guys. Unless you've aligned your character, image, and lifestyle together like my buddy who bagged himself a cool Russian girlfriend (which may take some serious work)... you'll still get shit tests.
If you want to avoid them for good, go for congruency. Women can't test anything that they expect.
Reason for Shit Tests #2: Shotgun Style escalation (like commonly seen in pick up artists)
I know, you're sick and tired of doing the umpteenth approach and seeing another woman yet again look at you weird and throw a test at you. You can keep convincing yourself its a numbers game but seriously this can take its toll on guys.
It's all because guys just approach out of nowhere. They literally do not build ANY credibility in the social situation they are in nor take the time to do it and decide to do 10 approaches because the "newbie guide" said so. No one gets laid from that.
Women are not stupid. It's not that they're getting hit on enough, but it's because most guys think that they can make a woman decide on whether she likes him or not. When you've got this mind frame of forcing attraction upon a woman, then there goes the tests. Women don't like guys shoving themselves on them. Interestingly, when you don't run after them, that's when they run after you.
It's very counterintuitive, but hey that's how the game is.
If you don't want to get shit tested, here's what you do:
Practice Line of Sight:
Line of Sight is An infield technique used for Preconceived Seduction where you should be within women's field of vision, as opposed to being surrounded by a big crowd or choosing to just hang out in the shadows. The premise is that women are visual, and because you're within their "line of sight" they can pretty much decide on you even before you approach them. Obviously doing this right, by using acts of conveyance and credibility, can put things to your favor. Do it wrong, i.e. acting lost, dumbfounded, or without anyone to talk to, and you're toast.
Chill for a minute and mingle with people. Let her see you enjoying and having fun. Make her look at the bait and make her want you before  you even speak a word. This actually just happened to a client of mine this past week, and he pulled a chick out to his car in less than 5 minutes.
Stop doing shot gun style approaches when you come out of nowhere. If you convey yourself first, it's game over before you even open your mouth.
It's time to pass those shit tests without even trying, because 24/7 attractive men don't go through them and they get the girls they want.
Reason for Shit Tests #1: Incongruency
If you're thinking you can still become a bum-looking, nerdy-faced, no-body-language guy and get the hottest women in the world, then let me save you from the anguish and just say stop pipe dreaming. Until you create actual congruency in your life and your character, you can forget about it. Every girl you talk to WILL test you.
Seriously, imagine a dirty bum who found some nice tuxedo in a dumpster, put it on, and started coming up to you selling real estate. Would you NOT test the guy?
It's the same thing guys. Unless you've aligned your character, image, and lifestyle together like my buddy who bagged himself a cool Russian girlfriend (which may take some serious work)... you'll still get shit tests.
If you want to avoid them for good, go for congruency. Women can't test anything that they expect.
Reason for Shit Tests #2: Shotgun Style escalation (like commonly seen in pick up artists)
I know, you're sick and tired of doing the umpteenth approach and seeing another woman yet again look at you weird and throw a test at you. You can keep convincing yourself its a numbers game but seriously this can take its toll on guys.
It's all because guys just approach out of nowhere. They literally do not build ANY credibility in the social situation they are in nor take the time to do it and decide to do 10 approaches because the "newbie guide" said so. No one gets laid from that.
Women are not stupid. It's not that they're getting hit on enough, but it's because most guys think that they can make a woman decide on whether she likes him or not. When you've got this mind frame of forcing attraction upon a woman, then there goes the tests. Women don't like guys shoving themselves on them. Interestingly, when you don't run after them, that's when they run after you.
It's very counterintuitive, but hey that's how the game is.
If you don't want to get shit tested, here's what you do:
Practice Line of Sight:
Line of Sight is An infield technique used for Preconceived Seduction where you should be within women's field of vision, as opposed to being surrounded by a big crowd or choosing to just hang out in the shadows. The premise is that women are visual, and because you're within their "line of sight" they can pretty much decide on you even before you approach them. Obviously doing this right, by using acts of conveyance and credibility, can put things to your favor. Do it wrong, i.e. acting lost, dumbfounded, or without anyone to talk to, and you're toast.
Chill for a minute and mingle with people. Let her see you enjoying and having fun. Make her look at the bait and make her want you before  you even speak a word. This actually just happened to a client of mine this past week, and he pulled a chick out to his car in less than 5 minutes.
Stop doing shot gun style approaches when you come out of nowhere. If you convey yourself first, it's game over before you even open your mouth.
It's time to pass those shit tests without even trying, because 24/7 attractive men don't go through them and they get the girls they want.