How to stay awake at work, without coffee! by

Turning on your computer, you find yourself nodding off to sleep in the midst of replying to a mail by your boss! You pinch yourself, widen your eyes as much as you can, sit upright in your chair… and soon you are snoring away to glory again. You awaken to find a mail from your boss asking why you haven't replied to the earlier one; it's quite clear that you need help and that too desperately
But there's no need to lose sleep over your turning into a sleepy head at work, as we have some very simple and easy tips for you, which will keep your sleep at bay when at work.
- Do not get comfortable:

Choose a chair that will make you sit upright, force you to keep your back straight i.e. won't allow you to slump your back and get comfortable on your chair as it will only make you feel more sleepy. Don't rest your chin or face on your palms, as this position will also make you bend forward and be comfortable, thereby making you sleepier than you already are.
- Get Chatty:
One way of doing this is rather than sending the mail to your boss, go and personally talk to him. This will ensure that you get up and move around i.e. your body becomes active and blood gets circulated all throughout the body, driving away the sleep.
- Listen to music, the garish kind:

Listening to something that you do not prefer, keeps you distracted from focusing on the fact that you are sleepy. Plus with unwanted music being played, you will want to tune it out and what better way to do so than with work! So, plug in those ear phones, crank that volume up and watch the sleep disappear.
- Don't hog at lunch:
To avoid sleeping when on the job, it would be a good idea to have small well distributed lunches. Do remember to keep the portions small in these ‘lunches' that you will be munching on throughout the day to avoid nodding off when at work.
- Be Sunny:

Our body's internal clock or the circadian rhythm is regulated by its exposure to bright sun light, so if you are feeling sleepy, exposing yourself to sunlight will help you get rid of the sleepiness that has been hounding you through the morning.
- Use the stairs, instead of the elevators
If you find yourself feeling sleepy at work, take to the stairs. Run up and down the stairs, instead of using the elevators as this is similar to cardio exercise and will increase your heart beat and send blood rushing to your muscles. With an increased heart beat and revived blood circulation, you can kiss your sleep good bye and get back to work, and in case you begin feeling sleepy again, all you have to do is just jog up and down the stairs. To read more about How to stay awake at work, without coffee! by