Wall Street, Banks and Financial Terrorism
"Greed, stupidity, hubris and outright corruption.
" A quote from Phil Angelides, former California treasurer and current chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a bipartisan panel formed by Congress to investigate our financial meltdown.
Angelides told Frank Rich, one of the best political writers on the Planet, that he will not stand for these proceedings to evolve into toothless meaninglessness.
Hopefully, he can pull it off, because if the Country does not enact meaningful, powerful financial reform now, the greedy heathens of Wall Street will take us for all we're worth, and much, much more, and another looming meltdown is guaranteed to take us down, maybe for good.
Again, according to Frank Rich of the New York Times, "Angelides gets it.
" He'll be following in the footsteps of Ferdinand Pecora, the legendary prosecuter who investigated the 1929 stock market crash at the time FDR took office.
He kept America's interest in an era without television by he keen investigative prowess which led to indictments, jail time, and famous New Deal reforms, the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Glass-Steagall Act which was created to restrict banks from becoming too big to fail.
Pecora focused on the CEO of National City Bank, which would later go on to become Citigroup.
NCB repackaged bad Latin American debt and sold it to greedy, unsuspecting investors starving for big profits.
Once the Market crashed, bank execs took the money and ran, while their employees took the brunt of the collapse with salary deductions to keep the bank afloat.
Sound familiar? Replace lousy Latin American debt for mortgage debt, and you have today's Citigroup staring you right in the face.
Frank Rich states: "Among those Citi executives was Robert Rubin, who, as the Clinton Treasury secretary, helped repeal the last vestiges of Glass-Steagall after years of Wall Street assault.
Somewhere Pecora is turning in his grave.
" How could OUR money have been used to bail out Wall Street's banking gambling addicts while everyday Americans received nothing out of it.
Have WE ever been bailed out? Did any of the massive billions leading to trillions of dollars in debt flow into your or my pocket? I won't even answer.
The financial economic elite including Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner, Ben Bernanke and Larry Summers need to be held accountable.
Accountability is a four-letter word in Washington.
The prevailing attitude is that accountability is nothing but an archaic relic from generations past.
If these goons waltz away yet again by blaming anybody else but themselves, Wall Street will be left basically intact, living to swindle as it pleases.
Frank Rich: "That's the ticking-bomb scenario that truly imperils us all.
" I call it financial terrorism perpetrated on The American People.
It can not, and must not be allowed to continue.
" A quote from Phil Angelides, former California treasurer and current chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a bipartisan panel formed by Congress to investigate our financial meltdown.
Angelides told Frank Rich, one of the best political writers on the Planet, that he will not stand for these proceedings to evolve into toothless meaninglessness.
Hopefully, he can pull it off, because if the Country does not enact meaningful, powerful financial reform now, the greedy heathens of Wall Street will take us for all we're worth, and much, much more, and another looming meltdown is guaranteed to take us down, maybe for good.
Again, according to Frank Rich of the New York Times, "Angelides gets it.
" He'll be following in the footsteps of Ferdinand Pecora, the legendary prosecuter who investigated the 1929 stock market crash at the time FDR took office.
He kept America's interest in an era without television by he keen investigative prowess which led to indictments, jail time, and famous New Deal reforms, the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Glass-Steagall Act which was created to restrict banks from becoming too big to fail.
Pecora focused on the CEO of National City Bank, which would later go on to become Citigroup.
NCB repackaged bad Latin American debt and sold it to greedy, unsuspecting investors starving for big profits.
Once the Market crashed, bank execs took the money and ran, while their employees took the brunt of the collapse with salary deductions to keep the bank afloat.
Sound familiar? Replace lousy Latin American debt for mortgage debt, and you have today's Citigroup staring you right in the face.
Frank Rich states: "Among those Citi executives was Robert Rubin, who, as the Clinton Treasury secretary, helped repeal the last vestiges of Glass-Steagall after years of Wall Street assault.
Somewhere Pecora is turning in his grave.
" How could OUR money have been used to bail out Wall Street's banking gambling addicts while everyday Americans received nothing out of it.
Have WE ever been bailed out? Did any of the massive billions leading to trillions of dollars in debt flow into your or my pocket? I won't even answer.
The financial economic elite including Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner, Ben Bernanke and Larry Summers need to be held accountable.
Accountability is a four-letter word in Washington.
The prevailing attitude is that accountability is nothing but an archaic relic from generations past.
If these goons waltz away yet again by blaming anybody else but themselves, Wall Street will be left basically intact, living to swindle as it pleases.
Frank Rich: "That's the ticking-bomb scenario that truly imperils us all.
" I call it financial terrorism perpetrated on The American People.
It can not, and must not be allowed to continue.