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The Constitution ~ What The Heck Does It Really Say Anyway?Part I

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So who and what are we? The strength of this country lies with the middle class.
Like it or not, the middle class drives the economy, it elects the authorities that be, and without it, we would be a "third world" nation.
When the middle class goes to sleep, becomes deceived, are led down the wrong path, the nation suffers.
Today, my fellow countrymen, the middle class is asleep.
You have "...
been bamboozled, led astray, run amok...
"Your representatives are not working for you; they are working for "big business.
" There is really something fundamentally wrong with a government that would pass laws (look it up, there has been many) to profit business over the populace.
There is something nauseous and depraved about a government willing to send your children off to war and at the same time, is more than willing to cut benefits for those same warriors.
And you sit still and do nothing.
We have been led to believe that there is more that separates Northern, Southern, Mid-Western and Eastern Americans from one another, and on the surface that is true.
Each section of this great nation is unique, with cultural taboos and social idiosyncrasies; we have our own view of what is right and/or good.
But at the base of our hearts, we have primary core beliefs that outweigh all of but perhaps one of the things that some are all too willing to use to tear us apart.
We all believe in Freedom.
I capitalize the word because all of us, no matter where we hail from, have the concept bred in our very bones.
We don't have to talk about it, we don't have put it on a bumper sticker, there is something in the blood of any American-pacifists, constitutionalists, members of the NRA or members of the ACLU-we will die for Freedom.
The first thing out of our mouths when captured or when Freedom is threatened is "But I am an American!" We know freedom is our right from first grade.
When a national survey of high school students shows a majority of our children think that any part of the Bill of Rights can be bent, is overrated, or perhaps has outlived its time, parents everywhere should quake in absolute terror.
Wake up! What kind of children are we raising? What's the problem? What's the solution? "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
" I do not necessarily believe the ruling powers are like Nazi's.
Please eradicate such language from your arguments.
The Nazi regime was on a level of evil that far surpasses anything you have ever seen in the this country, in this or the last century, no matter how bad it may have gotten or may yet get.
Our problems essentially stem not so much from abhorrence for those unlike ourselves, but rather greed.
Not the greed of the common man, whose wants and needs are generally not beyond the scope of possible, or even probable; this is a normal and natural facet of man.
The greed that threatens this country is from mega-corporations, global conglomerates that own our cash-and-carry government officials from both major parties.
I challenge you to sit down and read some of the bills that have emerged from Congress in the last ten years.
It doesn't make a difference which political party has been in charge, the fine print almost always enriches the coffers of someone other than the average American.
There is perhaps one bill in twenty that has the public's best interest on mind, and then only to pacify an uninterested public lest they become curious.
Many bills in the last five years alone have been blatantly against the public's best interest.
Where is America's outrage, its indignation? In a perfect world, whenever you have a Democratic executive branch, there would be a Republican legislative branch and vise verse.
The Judicial branch would always be impartial.
It is never a good idea to have on political party in total charge of the government, because all the things you like and respect the most about that party are tainted and swallowed whole by all that is bad about that party.
Please remember that no political party is without its dark side-they all have extremes.
When there are no checks on that party, the extremists get emboldened and the natural inclination of the rest of the party is to protect the image.
Look America, any kind of extreme, left or right, is bad for our country.
Stop swallowing the cow flitter your party is feeding you.
You know the truth! Let it set you free! "Governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deducted from it.
" Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel What can we do? Do what you do best.
You are American, demand the best.
Micromanage your congressmen and women and your senators, state as well as federal.
Hold the executive branch accountable for their policies.
To be candid with you, it is my personal belief that middle class, middle of the road Democrats and Republican should leave their parties and create one of their own and let the extremists fight it out.
Actually the majority of the country is dead center on most policies.
We all believe a strong middle class equals a strong economy.
We all believe in common decency and morality.
We all want our judges to be impartial, completely free of being beholden to any particular political philosophy.
But that is just the dream of a dreamer who wants to believe that there is still hope for true bipartisan cooperation.
The point is, the only true check on those in power is you, if only you would take your responsibility seriously.
Why are you so willing to believe that these men and women know more than you? If we all took the time to truly educate ourselves on the issues and had an open and honest debate on the issues and not the subterfuge surrounding them, we could come to a consensus on most things.
I understand some topics cannot be settled this way, but the vast majority could.
The only differences between you and most of the members of Congress are (1) they probably have more money than you and (2) they convinced you to vote for them.
Some of the greatest minds in history came from humble beginnings; it was often the aristocracy that was quite insane.
Believe in yourselves again! Another thing Americans must do if we are to survive in this modern age is demand real news and information from the so-called experts.
Look, you are the consumer base, you get to decide what you do and do not want in your news programs.
Propaganda is dangerous, no matter how much you claim to be able to distinguish fact from fiction.
Take a long, hard look at what is going on in Washington, D.
today, only you can't really.
All the information coming to you is skewed from either the right or the left, and independent journalism is stifled by an administration and a culture that doesn't allow close scrutiny.
And the public is actually swallowing the swill and voting against themselves.
I am not trying to be harsh, I am not calling you dim-witted, but if it is true that you cannot be led astray, why are there so many power hungry, money grapping jackals in your so-called representative government? Stop complaining about the laws coming down from on high, stop complaining about gas prices or inflation-you did this.
Authority is useless if you do not use it.
If you stand idly by and do nothing about the state of affairs in Washington D.
or the vast amount of non-news covered in the so-called news media, not only will nothing get better, I put to you things will become decidedly worse.
He who stands for nothing will fall for anything.
You cannot wait for others, far left activists or far right theologians to fight your battles for you-they do not have your best interest at heart (I am talking to the vast majority of sane, middle of the road Americans now).
Look what that has gotten us so far.
The Middle must stand up and demand extremists get out of out government, get off our airwaves, and back to fringes were they belong.
It is past time to "...
take to arms against the sea of trouble and opposing end them.
" It is a simple process really.
Start fist by writing your news outlet of choice and demanding full and complete coverage on the issues that actually effect the American life; i.
detailed investigations into the price of gas without assist from government or opposition/activist spin, in depth looks at what laws are being passed and what are the really effects on the average person.
If we are truly a consumer-based society, then the consumer needs to make their wishes, demands and needs known to those providing the product.
You do not have to suffer through endless streams of partisan spin, useless debates, or blatant propaganda.
You can refuse to let the networks; the elected officials and the puppet masters treat you like the brainless twits they believe you to be.
Some Notes on Freedom of Religion- This brings us to a sensitive yet crucial point.
For those who choose not to believe in God, those who are of any religion other than the ones who accept Christ (this is not a judgment, just a definition; i.
Buddhists, Taoists, etc.
), the following is not for you.
You cannot take parts of the Bible and say this is God's plan, while blithely ignoring the rest.
If you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, you must believe the entire Bible is the inspired word of God.
You cannot pick and choose parts to make your point, because if you do, you are worse than "heathens.
" You are using God for your own ends, twisting His words to fit your purpose and what do you suppose God feels about that? I refuse to openly criticize any particular person who professes with their mouths and denies with their deeds because I do not know the heart of any man or woman, but I do know that if you profess Christ and spew hat-you are probably not a real Christian.
If you have no concern for the "unsaved" as well as the "saved" you are probably not a real Christian.
If your neighbor is an atheist, and you have no love in you heart for them, you are probably not a Christian.
If you dare to stand and point out the sins of every person you disagree with, while refusing to admit wrong on any level, while refusing to help those less fortunate than you, by attempting to destroy the lives (public or private) or reputations of your opponents, not only are you probably not a Christian, you are probably a Pharisee.
How dare you stand their wrapped in the mantle of the Lord God Almighty and His Son and Our Savior (again, I am only speaking to Christians) Jesus Christ and denigrate His Creation.
You cannot force anyone to believe as you do.
God Himself does not force obedience, but rather wants His children to come to Him by choice.
God is neither a Democrat or Republican, God is not an American, and by trying to place Him in a nice little box wrapped in a red, white and blue ribbons, you are doing more service to the devil than to God.
You are supposed to be witnesses to the Great Miracle; you are supposed to be living testimate of the awesome love of God.
Yet, instead of leading people to Christ by being a good witness, a lot of you are making those who need salvation run screaming in the other direction.
How well do you listen to someone who tells you what you must do while doing the complete opposite? I am not saying wrong headed Christians are living sinful lives (there is no way I can qualify such a statement), but so called good and honorable Christian people are willing lending their name in support of politicians, trying to give these people some kind of biblical stamp of approval.
By trying to meld God and politics belittles God.
The people that you are lending your creditability to are some of the most ethically challenged, opportunistic, devoid of character or love people I have ever seen.
How dare to try to link the Creator of the Universe with people who will lie, cheat and steal to hold the seat of power.
The separation of church and state does not only protect the state, it protects the church from pretenders, users and abusers.
If you are going to support a person for office, it is your right to do so, but you do not have the right to tie God to anyone's campaign.
You have absolutely no right to judge ANYONE; that is not your job.
You cannot know what is in a man's heart.
But when someone shows you who they are by- (1) cutting aid to "widows and orphans", (2) refusing to increase funding for veterans, but giving corporations tax cuts, (3) refusing to protect God's Creation (namely the earth which God specifically told us to do in Genesis), (4) creating hatred among neighbors- believe them.
You are supposed to be a shining example, but what you are is blight on those who have the love of Christ in our hearts and are trying to share that love.
There are certain things as Christians we cannot accept, but that is because we believe as we do.
If we want to affect positive change, we must lead others to Christ, not drive them away.
Lying down with dogs only gives us fleas.
Please, for the sake of all Christians world wide, stop being used by demons.

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