How to Make a Monthly Block Calendar
- 1). Paint the spice rack with craft paint in a neutral color that complements the colors you plan to use on the blocks. Set the spice rack aside to dry.
- 2). Paint the wooden blocks with craft paint. You can select multiple colors to give your block calendar added dimension. Allow the blocks to dry.
- 3). Stamp one side on each of the seven 1 inch by 1 inch blocks using the days of the week rubber stamps and ink. Be sure to use a different day of the week on each of the seven blocks.
- 4). Stamp one side on each of the remaining 1 inch by 1 inch blocks with the numbers 1 through 31 using the numbered rubber stamps and ink.
- 5). Stamp one side on each of the 1 inch tall by 3 to 5 inch wide blocks using the month rubber stamps and ink. Be sure to use a different month on each of the 12 blocks.
- 6). Nail the painted spice rack to the wall where you wish display your monthly block calendar.
- 7). Place the month block you wish to represent on the very top row of the spice rack. On the second row, place the days of the week sequentially starting with Sunday and ending with Saturday. On the rest of the rows, place the numbered blocks under the corresponding dates of the week.