Overweight or Underweight during pregnancy
Normal weight gain during pregnancy is the goal of every new expectant mother. We all want to do what is not only best for our babies, but best for our bodies so we can snap back to our pre-pregnancy size. But, with such high expectations can also come so many questions! Here are the answers to some of the most common questions about pregnancy weight gain.
If your pre-pregnancy weight is in healthy range, you should look for gaining 1-5 pounds in the first trimester and 1 pound per week for the rest of pregnancy.If you are underweight before you are pregnant, you should gain 28 -40 pounds. For the one who is overweight, she should gain 15-25 pounds. Lastly, if you are obese, you should gain between 11-20 pounds.Once you know your level of weight and what weight gain you should expect, you will then have to do a certain things to make sure that your weight gain during pregnancy will not be too much. The steps include:
Detrimental Effects Of Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy
It's easy to add pounds during pregnancy. But, the focus is to prevent the gain of extra pounds that are not really necessary for the body. The following are the harmful effects of excessive heaviness:
You may suffer from various physical problems, such as more discomfort in your legs and back. This happens because of the extra burden that develops due to extra pounds.
Your blood pressure may rise and your heart will have to work double hard. This is a dangerous situation for you as well as your baby.
This problem further leads to a difficult labor and delivery. It's tough to get rid of those extra pounds after delivery.
Again, these are guidelines and you should take the advice of your doctor because he/she knows if your weight gain during pregnancy is OK or not.I was 10 pounds overweight when I got pregnant the 4th time (after 3 miscarriages) with my son, after being on a scheduled dose of prednisone for ulcerative colitis. I ended up gaining a total of 37 pounds and I also had gestational diabetes.One thing to keep in mind, if you are gaining weight at a rapid pace like I was, I recommend looking into gestational diabetes as a possibility. I walked everyday and ate healthy, but I was gaining weight like crazy.
All in all, embrace your pregnant body. God made you how you are and there is NOTHING else like being pregnant. It's an amazing experience. Worrying about your weight during pregnancy shouldn't be at the top of your "worry list" and it's not on mine anymore. Pregnancy is temporary.
How to stay within the recommended range
Eating healthily while pregnant is best for you and the developing baby. Your doctor will determine what constitutes a healthy weight gain for you. He will also educate you as to what to eat and how to exercise.
The old maxim 'eating for two' does not give you free reign to eat double what you normally do.
If your weight at conception falls in the normal range of BMI, during the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy you need 100 to 200 extra calories a day; for the remainder 200 to 300, with underweight women needing 300 to 500 extra calories a day.300 calories is not a lot. For example, an extra snack of four fig bars and a glass of skim milk covers it.
And find more information on http://www.getallD106/pregnancy-weight-gain/
If your pre-pregnancy weight is in healthy range, you should look for gaining 1-5 pounds in the first trimester and 1 pound per week for the rest of pregnancy.If you are underweight before you are pregnant, you should gain 28 -40 pounds. For the one who is overweight, she should gain 15-25 pounds. Lastly, if you are obese, you should gain between 11-20 pounds.Once you know your level of weight and what weight gain you should expect, you will then have to do a certain things to make sure that your weight gain during pregnancy will not be too much. The steps include:
Detrimental Effects Of Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy
It's easy to add pounds during pregnancy. But, the focus is to prevent the gain of extra pounds that are not really necessary for the body. The following are the harmful effects of excessive heaviness:
You may suffer from various physical problems, such as more discomfort in your legs and back. This happens because of the extra burden that develops due to extra pounds.
Your blood pressure may rise and your heart will have to work double hard. This is a dangerous situation for you as well as your baby.
This problem further leads to a difficult labor and delivery. It's tough to get rid of those extra pounds after delivery.
Again, these are guidelines and you should take the advice of your doctor because he/she knows if your weight gain during pregnancy is OK or not.I was 10 pounds overweight when I got pregnant the 4th time (after 3 miscarriages) with my son, after being on a scheduled dose of prednisone for ulcerative colitis. I ended up gaining a total of 37 pounds and I also had gestational diabetes.One thing to keep in mind, if you are gaining weight at a rapid pace like I was, I recommend looking into gestational diabetes as a possibility. I walked everyday and ate healthy, but I was gaining weight like crazy.
All in all, embrace your pregnant body. God made you how you are and there is NOTHING else like being pregnant. It's an amazing experience. Worrying about your weight during pregnancy shouldn't be at the top of your "worry list" and it's not on mine anymore. Pregnancy is temporary.
How to stay within the recommended range
Eating healthily while pregnant is best for you and the developing baby. Your doctor will determine what constitutes a healthy weight gain for you. He will also educate you as to what to eat and how to exercise.
The old maxim 'eating for two' does not give you free reign to eat double what you normally do.
If your weight at conception falls in the normal range of BMI, during the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy you need 100 to 200 extra calories a day; for the remainder 200 to 300, with underweight women needing 300 to 500 extra calories a day.300 calories is not a lot. For example, an extra snack of four fig bars and a glass of skim milk covers it.
And find more information on http://www.getallD106/pregnancy-weight-gain/