How-to: Rubbing Alcohol on Cat Odors
- 1). Put rubber gloves on, then place a washcloth over the area where the cat has made a mess. Press firmly down and absorb as much of the liquid as possible. Use several washcloths if necessary. Immediately throw them in the washing machine or discard.
- 2). Soak a clean towel with alcohol, then firmly wipe the stain. Do not pour the alcohol onto the spot or you will have more liquid to absorb. The idea is to mask or neutralize the odor.
- 3). Make a mixture of water and vinegar, 2 parts to 1, respectively. Dip a clean towel into the mixture and place on the stain. Again, press firmly so that the vinegar will absorb the odor. Do this several times, then repeat the process with only warm water. Dry the stain, then sprinkle with baking soda. Let it sit for at least 24 hours, then vacuum.
- 4). Determine the cause. It is crucial to absorb the odor as quickly as possible so it does not penetrate furniture or carpet fibers. However, of equal importance is determining why your cat urinated outside of the litter box. Check to see if the box is clean and in a location that the cat can get to. Examine your cat to see if he is displaying other symptoms of illness or stress. If so, contact a veterinarian.