One Powerful Frame To Hold When Interacting With Attractive Women
There's an old saying: "Women aren't meant to be understood, they're meant to be enjoyed.
" Do you believe that? Most guys spend their time trying to find out how women "tick," so they can come up with advanced techniques to "game" them.
But what if, instead of trying to "game" them with some kind of intention, you merely enjoyed them.
When talking to them, you didn't worry about the outcome, or what she was going to say to this or that.
You just enjoyed them.
You allow them to be themselves, and you felt comfortable to be yourself.
Not the nice guy that's trying to "move her emotions," just a confident guy, comfortable in his own skin.
See, if you have an intention, and that intention doesn't come true, you feel let down.
If you're intention is to get her number, and you don't get it, you feel as if you've failed.
But what if you have no intention, other to enjoy speaking with her, interacting with her, and whatever else comes? If you're openly enjoying her, she's going to be feeling some enjoyment with you.
You know this.
Paradoxically, this will make getting her number a lot easier.
"Hey, I really enjoy talking to you.
Give me your number so we can hook up later.
" You say this openly and honestly after a mutually enjoyable, and enjoyed conversation? This is the fundamental secret of being successful with women.
Most guys feel that they have nothing to offer and they need to somehow qualify themselves to girls.
Unless you're super rich or famous or some kind of rock star, this likely won't work.
But just think of the presuppositions when you simply enjoy her.
Before you enjoy her, you've got to think of yourself as an equal to her.
You can't really enjoy somebody that you think has the power to give or take away pleasure or pain.
At the same time, you respect her for what she is, and what she has to offer.
Since you're interacting with her, and not just starting at her from across the room, this also presupposes that you enjoy her personality.
Compared to most other guys who accept her before even knowing her personality, you're sending her a powerful message that goes way beyond most other guys.
You are comfortable in your own skin, and you enjoy her personality beyond just her looks.
Naturally, she will find this, and everything else about you incredible attractive.
" Do you believe that? Most guys spend their time trying to find out how women "tick," so they can come up with advanced techniques to "game" them.
But what if, instead of trying to "game" them with some kind of intention, you merely enjoyed them.
When talking to them, you didn't worry about the outcome, or what she was going to say to this or that.
You just enjoyed them.
You allow them to be themselves, and you felt comfortable to be yourself.
Not the nice guy that's trying to "move her emotions," just a confident guy, comfortable in his own skin.
See, if you have an intention, and that intention doesn't come true, you feel let down.
If you're intention is to get her number, and you don't get it, you feel as if you've failed.
But what if you have no intention, other to enjoy speaking with her, interacting with her, and whatever else comes? If you're openly enjoying her, she's going to be feeling some enjoyment with you.
You know this.
Paradoxically, this will make getting her number a lot easier.
"Hey, I really enjoy talking to you.
Give me your number so we can hook up later.
" You say this openly and honestly after a mutually enjoyable, and enjoyed conversation? This is the fundamental secret of being successful with women.
Most guys feel that they have nothing to offer and they need to somehow qualify themselves to girls.
Unless you're super rich or famous or some kind of rock star, this likely won't work.
But just think of the presuppositions when you simply enjoy her.
Before you enjoy her, you've got to think of yourself as an equal to her.
You can't really enjoy somebody that you think has the power to give or take away pleasure or pain.
At the same time, you respect her for what she is, and what she has to offer.
Since you're interacting with her, and not just starting at her from across the room, this also presupposes that you enjoy her personality.
Compared to most other guys who accept her before even knowing her personality, you're sending her a powerful message that goes way beyond most other guys.
You are comfortable in your own skin, and you enjoy her personality beyond just her looks.
Naturally, she will find this, and everything else about you incredible attractive.